ESPN President Addresses Employees: ESPN Is About Sports, Not Politics – IOTW Report

ESPN President Addresses Employees: ESPN Is About Sports, Not Politics

IJR: ESPN has been in the spotlight in the last week for all the wrong reasons. The sports network attracted all kinds of attention when its anchor, Jemele Hill, tweeted that President Donald Trump is a “white supremacist.”

To the disgust of many, ESPN has taken no action against Hill, while they have taken action in the past against Linda Cohn and Curt Schilling for right-leaning political comments that fans of the network thought weren’t nearly as bad.

After the network took a beating from the media, John Skipper, ESPN’s president, told his staff “ESPN is about sports,” and it is “not a political organization.”

CNN obtained the full memo sent to the staff:  READ

23 Comments on ESPN President Addresses Employees: ESPN Is About Sports, Not Politics

  1. Oh goodie, now I can start not watching it again. All it does for me is make my cable bill go up because it’s rammed down out throats with expanded basic. Screw ESPN and the Democrat donkey they rode in on.

  2. Stupid apologizes repeatedly and continues to shed viewers.

    Have you seen their shows? Simply terrible. They don’t even show sports events anymore. Very few.
    They talk about sports. Zzzzzzz. Idiotically.

    They provide no value.

  3. ESPN controls college football. Many of the games are on ESPN3 which is web only. I have AT&T fiber to my house. I am an IT professional. ESPN streaming bogs down at their servers they cannot handle the the service that they say they can provide. It is not hard, but they fail massively at it.

  4. I don’t watch ESPN, but all that comes to mind when I hear about it is a bunch of middle-aged fat guys, sitting in front of a TV on their La-Z-Boy recliners, complaining about the quarterback’s last call, and loudly declaring what they would have done if they were there and had the ball.

    Is it wrong of me to think this way?

    Yeah, probably so. I guess I’m not into sports anymore. Sorry, ESPN fans.



  5. Yeah, sounds like BS especially since Hill is still onboard and hasn’t apologised. This guy is just scared shitless that the rate of subscriber cancellations will continue and the firm will bleed massive amounts of cash through the overpriced events they bought. If that happens, Disney may well look at dumping ESPN or breaking it up and selling it piecemeal and he’ll be out of a job and poisen in the industry. The Mouse does not tolerate failure.

  6. I don’t know. I read it.

    I don’t see anything close to “Stop this shit now”.

    He said they were a sports enterprise, but he didn’t ask anyone to shut the fuck up about politics and stick to sports.

    Not one promise to back off or tell people like Jemima she was going to be disciplined if she did it again.

    Just a bunch of words beating around the bush somewhat acknowledging their growing problem. You can take it either way if you’re so inclined. If you want to read into that it does, fine. But it’s just like a Hope and Change speech. You can make up what it means and no one could really argue against it. It’s that meaningless, ultimately.

    It’s like an “apology” I once got from a psycho:

    “Everyone says I should apologize to you for what I said”.

    And that was it! She considered that an apology!

    No where near something like: “I’m sorry, I should never have said that.” Or “Please forgive me.”

    That was a crap letter. A half-assed stab at it.

  7. Another Hillary sycophant who can look you straight in your face and like like a pro. They’ve been lying too long and surrounded themselves with dishonest people. John Skipper is the only person who believes his own BS. He is not going to flip a switch and reverse a repulsive culture that took years to build. Cancelled ESPN long ago.

  8. skipper just lies to the masses trying to keep the subscriber exodus from continuing. We have been lied to long enough by our politicians that we do not believe you. Your gonna have to do a better job, we’re on to ya

  9. once upon a time there was a little kid who ended up at a cocktail party cuz his parents could not find a sitter. very fancy party, gourmet food, gorgeous house etc. kid had to poop, and being very young and not knowing the rules, he dropped his drawers and let go right in the middle of the fancy living room rug at the fancy party. proving yet again the importance of learning there is an appropriate time and place for everything.

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