CNN Cuts Off Black Trump Supporter When He Answers ‘White Guilt’ Question – IOTW Report

CNN Cuts Off Black Trump Supporter When He Answers ‘White Guilt’ Question


A CNN broadcast Saturday cut off an African-American Trump supporter in the middle of answering a question about “white guilt” posed by a reporter.

“I [have seen] one shirt that said ‘no white guilt,’ things like that. I mean, there have been some messages that might not be that open to folks from diverse perspectives. What would your message be to folks like that?”

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18 Comments on CNN Cuts Off Black Trump Supporter When He Answers ‘White Guilt’ Question

  1. “One T-shirt” that said No White Guilt and “things like that” in the same sentence is a tell-tale sign of lying.

    If you saw “one T-shirt” that said something specific, why would you need to add “things like that?”

    The only reason is because you didn’t see a T-shirt that said, “No White Guilt” at all.

  2. Just reinforces my notion to never ever talk to any presstitute. Ever. They’ll always find a way to do you wrong. Cut you off. Editing to fit THEIR agenda, never yours.

    Best thing to do if approached by one is to kill it. But if you can’t do that, then turn your back on it and ignore its pleadings and whimpering for attention. Don’t even answer, “but why won’t you speak to us?” That still reinforces its notion of self importance and Feeds The Beast. Do Not Feed The Beast.

  3. I’m only disappointed he didn’t manage to throw in the word “boobs” somewhere…SERIOUSLY! [But, yes, I thought his response was just fine as is.]

    If enough people respond that way to such manipulative questions, it will send the message “we don’t take you seriously,” which is a POTENTLY POISONOUS message to get out to the public.

  4. If the word gets out black people have escaped the socialist plantation and thrived, then the leftist agenda will be in deep trouble. Leave it to CNN to protect that agenda.

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