Flake is in trouble – IOTW Report

Flake is in trouble

Kelli Ward:


    Jeff Flake is still in big trouble.

    The latest survey from Democratic pollster GBA Strategies gives Kelli Ward (Flake’s opponent in Arizona’s GOP Senate primary) a 58 percent to 31 percent advantage over Flake. It’s the third poll released during the last month showing Ward with at least a 15-point lead. The same survey has potential Democratic nominee Kyrsten Sinema in front of Flake, 47 percent to 40 percent, in the general election.

    Flake’s difficulties aren’t surprising, but how quickly he’s become (perhaps) the most vulnerable Republican up for re-election in 2018 is. That title was supposed to belong to Nevada Sen. Dean Heller — Nevada is a bluer statethan Arizona, and Heller already has a well-known declared Democratic opponent in Rep. Jacky Rosen.

    So why is Flake’s future looking so much more uncertain than Heller’s? The difference appears to be how Flake and Heller have managed their relationships with President Trump. Flake has written a book slamming Trump. That, along with other anti-Trump actions, has motivated the president to all but endorse Ward. Heller, on the other hand, has been more cooperative with the White House, even if he has sometimes done so reluctantly. Heller also said — after a long period of not saying — that he voted for Trump in the 2016 election. Flake didn’t.  MORE

    14 Comments on Flake is in trouble

    1. Here’s hoping in 2018/20 RINOs find themselves on the endangered species list.
      I doubt PETA will care what the bag limit is.
      Our speakers have become creepers, vote them out.

    2. Oh my!
      Good news breaking out all over!
      Bucket bomber identified, Milbank dying (not really, he’s just in a swoon over Trump), and Flake getting flucked!

      “Monday, Monday!
      So good to me!”

      izlamo delenda est …

    3. Unfortunately, McCain just got reelected to a 6 year term so, the grim reaper is our only way to get rid of him.
      Hopefully, the governor will appoint a conservative to serve out the term.

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