Guess which rich actor won’t be taking in refugees after all – IOTW Report

Guess which rich actor won’t be taking in refugees after all

Breitbart: Back in October of 2015,  at the conclusion of a London performance of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch used his curtain call to attack the British government for agreeing to accept only 20,000 Syrian refugees. “F-ck the politicians” he howled, before asking the audience to contribute money to the cause. “We’ve got to do something about it,” the overrated actor insisted.

Some two years later, in a recent interview with The Big Issue, Cumberbatch revealed exactly what he did do on behalf of Syrian refugees. He “did look into” housing them, and then decided against it:

[Face courtesy of nature, not photoshop]

[P]eople were saying, ‘You’ve got a home, why don’t you house refugees?’ And we did look into it. But we had, then, a very new baby – maybe four or five months old.

Maybe people had a point. I understand why some might think I should be housing people instead of complaining about a government not doing it. But I was trying to raise awareness that we can do more as a society. Because I do feel we are able to do more than just recovering bodies.

So basically, after blasting the British government for agreeing to help a full 20,000 refugees, Cumberbatch is unwilling to house even one. Moreover, my guess is that not a single one of those 20,000 will be resettled anywhere near whatever estate the multimillionaire Cumberbatch currently resides within.  more here


32 Comments on Guess which rich actor won’t be taking in refugees after all

  1. ‘But I was trying to raise awareness that we can do more as a society’

    Ha ha ha ha ha. In other words, somebody needs to do something but not me. Another git who wants others to do and spend their own money while he sits in his guarded palace.

  2. He’s British. There aren’t too many good looking British actors out there, so they go with what they have. Besides, a Brit or Aussie accent seems to be a guarantee of employment in Homowood.

  3. He should have tsken the “thousands of pounds’ he raised and rented a few blocks of apartments for a year.
    Then he could have paid for the food and medical expenses for the same period.

  4. “But I was trying to raise awareness that we can do more as a society.”

    so now that you raised our awareness what are you going to do about it?
    typical liberal “raising awareness” is the most they can muster for help.
    Hollywood liberals have all the money but rarely donate much of it.
    if they all got together and gave up their vast fortunes to the poor would we have poor left ?

    now that’s raised awareness!

  5. It wuz a “terribly difficult” decision based on the advice from his personal assistant, his personal trainer, his house-keeper, his chauffeur, his psychiatrist, his accountants, White friends and neighbors, Real Estate consultant and Re-Hab manager…

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