Germany: Muslim “refugees” go on sex assault spree at church festival – IOTW Report

Germany: Muslim “refugees” go on sex assault spree at church festival

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21 Comments on Germany: Muslim “refugees” go on sex assault spree at church festival

  1. That’s part of their invasion strategy. They rape and try to impregnate the native women with muzzie babies. Plus it’s another terror tactic against the people they are invading.

    Anyone who’s ever read any history about moslem invasions would understand that.

  2. Notice that everyone in that video could not bring themselves to state the obvious, each and everyone choosing the PC term “asylum seekers” over the more accurate term “filthy mohammaden invaders”.
    This is what political correctness gets you. Germans will be polite while they are exterminated.

    And their forefathers feared and hated the Jews?

    How’s that for irony?

  3. Notice how they insinuated that everything was going swimmingly until the “right-wing extremists” arrived? The “right-wing extremists” were most likely Germans who understand their country is proceeding down the toilet with turd world invaders and are trying to protect themselves.

  4. The only thing these cavemen understand is a bigger hammer and lots of pain. This stuff will simply continue and ramp up until they get the living shit beaten out of them or shot. If the Germans don’t fight back these cretins will continue to steal their lunch and women!

  5. And still Merkle has a lead in the polls. Unreal. Hard to believe this same people almost brought the world to its knees twice in the last century. Now they have the spine of the French

  6. “Merkle has a lead in the polls…” My guess is their polls and elections are as corrupt as anywhere. Or, the German sold any discernment and the ability for future generations to discern when Hitler came on the stage.

    Don’t forget how frivolous and morally corrupt the citizenry were at that time. Discernment left.

  7. This is the same country that has large scale gay “festivals” with nudity and sex acts on the streets in front of kids and say it’s just people celebrating their rights. It’s okay because there are unwritten “mature, civilized, rules” that everyone follows. If the rules are broken then someone is to blame as a trigger (usually right wing – the alt-righters) hepped up on alcohol or drugs or racism/hate.

    This is a key to understanding Germans.

  8. It’s in the Koran dumbass. Straight from the mouth of the pedophile false prophet himself.

    Quran (33:55) – “It shall be no crime in them as to their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their woman, or the slaves which their right hands possess, if they speak to them unveiled” A woman may present herself without a veil only to family and slaves.

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