‘Britain First’ Leaders Charged With Harassing Muslim Rapists – IOTW Report

‘Britain First’ Leaders Charged With Harassing Muslim Rapists


Editor’s Note:  [Pamela Geller] Britain is committing suicide and these are two individuals attempting to stop it by speaking out and facing the ridicule and consequences of telling the truth about Islam and these savages that the death cult produces.  Pay attention, it’s coming to America too.  Don’t think for a moment it isn’t because in some spots it’s already going on.

One thing you can say about British authorities: they’re consistent.

For fear of charges of “racism,” they covered for Muslim rape gangs for years, turning away girls whose lives had been destroyed and declining to arrest or prosecute the rapist savages.

Now that some have been tried, British authorities are persecuting people such as Golding and Fransen for calling attention to what was happening.

These are the same authorities who banned me from the country for speaking the truth about jihad terror.  more

11 Comments on ‘Britain First’ Leaders Charged With Harassing Muslim Rapists

  1. it is coming…
    By design.You people are nothing
    but pawns on a chess board and YES
    you will be forced to PLAY AND FIGHT AND DANCE
    for the NWO…

  2. People don’t speak up because they’ll be severely punished by the corrupt scum in government. They can only have success if they protest in numbers. Organized protests are the only way, the same goes for us. We are very close to the same thing here. An example is how christians are harassed for their beliefs and business decisions.

  3. I was apple picking yesterday with the family. A beautiful day but of course, the savages materialized. Three muzslime men sitting on the ground in short sleeve shirts in the shade as about five black bed sheets walked toward them from the distance, carrying weeds and debris.

    The power of a religious cult over masses is bewildering. The dirty, smelly, sweating, male dogs had some sort of plaster type globs wedged between their teeth. Setting aside the liberal scum whose sole mission in life is to prove that they are better than everyone else, that spends every minute of the day plotting and seeking to prove a point about how liberals are better people, any normal person that observes these savages for just a few brief moments immediately concludes they are despicable savages and a viral bacteria in the human race.

    There is just no other way to put it. Disgusting savages that destroy everything and ruin entire communities overnight.

  4. I feel badly for them. But I also am not surprised that a people who would allow, or submit, to being ruled over by kings and queens would also submit to the current invasion of their culture and morality.
    They used to say ‘the sun never sets on the British empire.’
    It has.

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