Gavin McInnes: Why are Liberals naming buildings after kkk members but destroy Confederate statues? – IOTW Report

Gavin McInnes: Why are Liberals naming buildings after kkk members but destroy Confederate statues?

10 Comments on Gavin McInnes: Why are Liberals naming buildings after kkk members but destroy Confederate statues?

  1. There’s a line from The Usual Suspects that goes, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

    Well, to me the greatest trick the Democrats ever pulled was convincing Black people that they, their former masters, are now their greatest benefactors.

    I mean, you’ve really got to hand it to ’em, don’t you?

    Democrats were for l

  2. It’s crazy, DNC Ellison endorsed by David Duke because they both hate Jews, CBC members accuse people of being KKK, all the while they legislated from the same side of the aisle with an actual member.
    Sheets Byrd must have put some strong Mojo in their water, painted the window sills haint blue, put brick dust across the threshold of congress..
    The “super-predators” are dumb, really dumb.
    “I’ll have those n*****s voting Democrat for two-hundred years”- LBJ
    Makes a cogent analysis impossible.

  3. To be enslaved is abhorrent.
    To willingly and blindly accept enslavement buy the state is beyond ignorant, it’s stupidity.
    Today we have a dependency culture of both white and black who are the product of Johnson’s great society. Nothing great about it, look at any metropolitan area in the US, they are bleeding the life blood of the republic.

  4. Of course they LIE!&@!! There has only been 1 SUCCESSFUL politician in The. last 80 yeeara in America who- said what he meant; and , mea not what he said. He won over 48 states 2 rimes! Ronnie!

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