Merkel celebrates fourth-term victory – IOTW Report

Merkel celebrates fourth-term victory

WT: BERLIN — German voters delivered Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats a fourth consecutive term and the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party a spot in the parliament in Sunday’s federal election, which was widely seen as a referendum on Ms. Merkel’s performance over the past 12 years.

Ms. Merkel’s jubilance over her re-election will be short-lived, as she now must piece together a coalition of widely disparate parties that can propel her Eurocentric, economy-driven mandate — an almost herculean task, given that a far-right nationalist party is entering parliament for the first time since shortly after the end of World War II. The AfD will be Germany’s third-largest party, having won 12.7 percent of the vote, according to early returns with about 95 percent of the vote counted.  more

26 Comments on Merkel celebrates fourth-term victory

  1. am I not surprised?
    Germany is, & has been for a while, a very self-destructive country … they think so much of themselves they believe their own bullshit of ‘the glorious’ Deutschland
    they gladly followed Hitler’s Socialism over 70 years ago & today they gladly follow Merkel’s Communism …. no difference really
    the human stain never learns the lessons of the past …. never

  2. As a child I was told we were very close to being forced to learn and speak German.
    I was told that Germany was saved from itself.
    Perhaps the German people may be forced to learn and speak Arabic.
    I am still very content to live in an English speaking nation, albeit teetering on total collapse from liberal stupidity.

  3. Merkel-berserkel must be laughing her commie ass off right now.

    While it’s true that I wanted Germany to pull their collective heads from their asses, auf Wiedersehen, scheiss-Kopfs! On the plus side, the USA independent brewers are figuring out how to brew like the Germans.

    Virtue-signal yourselves to death, if you insist – and apparently you do.

  4. Could I have loved someone like my Beloved Germany
    I remember the good times now, and the bad times too
    These last few weeks of holdin’ on
    The days are dull, the nights are long
    Guess it’s better to say
    Goodbye to you

  5. If everybody had a inkling
    Across Germany
    Then everybody’d be serftan
    Like Irah-ah-aaa!
    You’d seem ’em wearing their Hijabs,
    Huarache sandals too
    A bushy bushy hidden crotch too,
    Surfin’ Germany!

  6. Germany’s last hope now is the Army. I hope their officers and enlisted see what’s been happening and what will happen with her and the left wing in charge (Don’t kid yourself, she’s no more conservative then Hillary).

  7. HUH? SCR_North, they have a unionized army who quits each week.

    I’ve been eating Haribo Goldbaren (gummy) bears for over 35 years. When the muzzies gonna outlaw them too?

    Let them piss themselves to death.

  8. @Reboot; The lifers in the German Army are the conservatives in German society. You’re right in that a large piece of them are lefties doing their social service but they’d be swept aside by the pros if it ever came to that. Maybe the German Army can provide the backbone that Europe needs to retake their countries.

  9. @CC- so did Hitler, until the allies bombed them out of existence.
    Almost all of Europe’s future has been ruined by the European Union and political correctness. Anyone with an IQ greater than 80 knows that it will take bloodshed to restore the various sovereignties.

  10. @scr_north September 25, 2017 at 1:37 am

    “Germany’s last hope now is the Army.”

    Because the Bundeswehr actually assisting, is actually at least two degrees less likely than unicorns piloting Martian tripods putting an end to German communalism.

    If the Bundeswehr were to seize power for themselves, they will be starved out of office, quickly. If they are not bombed from power, even more quickly.

    If the Bundeswehr were to seize power from the politicians currently approved by Germany’s legally recognized owners, to serve Germany’s legally recognized owners, the change will be as drastic as replacing Der Frauer with Der Vice Frauer.

    If the Bundeswehr were to seize power, to place Germany under the tyrannical (classical, not AntiFa “tyranny”) rule of an “outsider” (by simple math, most likely a completely foreign outsider), they would never be described as “saving Germany”. Even if they saved the Germans.

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