Nigel Farage Will Campaign For Roy Moore In Alabama – IOTW Report

Nigel Farage Will Campaign For Roy Moore In Alabama

Farage will campaign at a rally in Fairhope, Ala., on Monday along with former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon as well as Phil Robertson from “Duck Dynasty,” according to The Guardian.

Nigel Farage Will Campaign For Roy Moore In Alabama

5 Comments on Nigel Farage Will Campaign For Roy Moore In Alabama

  1. Nigel is an outspoken advocate of freedom.
    He has fewer rights in the UK to speak his mind, in the US he can speak freely.
    I would prefer to hear Nigel’s support for Moore much more than McCONnell’s support for Strange.
    But then again, I’m not a RINO or a supporter of McCONnell’s failed, ineffective leadership.

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