Report: UC students paying for pensions with higher tuition – IOTW Report

Report: UC students paying for pensions with higher tuition

LOS ANGELES (AP) β€” A newspaper investigation finds the number of University of California retirees collecting six-figure pensions has increased 60 percent since 2012 β€” and those increasingly generous retirement packages are being paid for by students’ tuition.

The Los Angeles Times reports Sunday that last year more than 5,400 UC retirees received pensions over $100,000.

5 Comments on Report: UC students paying for pensions with higher tuition

  1. After 4-5 years of indoctrination, a crippling student loan, and a virtually worthless degree, new graduates can begin their learning process. Meanwhile, those who sold them worthless degrees can retire young and live like royalty. That otta make the little dim whits feel good.

  2. They’ve already nationalized “student debt.”
    Pell Grants and all the rest of that bullshit are loaded on the backs of those who work. As well as the “state” part of “State Institutions.”

    Another scam to employ the unemployable.
    Another facet of socialism safely hidden in the background of existence.
    Check out the budgets of your local colleges, universities, and state-run schools – it wobbles the mind. $Billions are burned every year for a return of thousands of ignorant, indoctrinated dullards while the maggots perpetrating the fraud pontificate about the glories of “education for the masses.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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