When Life Gives You Lemons… – IOTW Report

When Life Gives You Lemons…


That lemon in your drink is full of disgusting germs

A slice of lemon or a wedge of lime goes great in many drinks, but did you know that your delicious citrus garnish can also harbor lots of nasty bacteria?

Not even ice is safe! Ice can get infected with all kinds of microorganisms before it becomes frozen. One nasty example goes back to 1987, when 5,000 people across 4 states got norovirus from contaminated ice served at a football game in Philadelphia.


22 Comments on When Life Gives You Lemons…

  1. Germs are everywhere, and always have been. Even hospitals can harbor the nastiest ones, like MRSA. Sometimes I wonder if it’s not just that the germs are getting more virulent, but that our immune systems are getting weaker as well.

  2. As the saying goes, whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And if you’ve been to a third world country and seen how they serve street food unregulated and out of filthy pots you’d really have something to fear.

  3. With all the assinine PSAs on the air, I’ve never heard one about washing hands or washing fruits and vegetables.

    Restauranteurs are not training workers in hood hygiene beyond putting up a simple sign in the bathrooms saying that employees must wash hands.

    Health education in schools are more interested in putting condoms on cucumbers ans two mommies instead of underscoring hand washing and sneezing into your inner elbow rather than your hand, etc., etc., etc.

  4. You think a few microbes are fun, make a viaje to Central America or Africa. One day you’re on the throne and a giant ascarid crawls out of your butt, or pinworms, or tapeworm segments. Botfly larvae hatching in your skin, four different kinds of malaria, tsetse flies transmitting sleeping sickness, sand fleas mucocutaneous leishmaniasis that eats away your face. You will wish for Ebola and sweet death.

  5. First, lemons and limes are not washed before they are cut.

    Once cut, they go into a serving tub of some sort, where the wait staff picks them out by hand. Ever seen a bar tender use tongs to grab a lemon wedge?

    Me neither.

  6. I taught math in the Ivory Coast for year. It was supposed to be a 2 year contract. Then I got dysentery from a Peace Corps dug well they did not adequately test. I shit my brains out which is why I am a little strange today. Seriously, I was air evacuated to Walter Reid and the recovery was long. I did not go back to Africa. Today I try to be careful about where I eat and who handles food.
    Easy way to get rid of stuff on fruit and vegetable is to give a bath or spraying with vinegar and water.

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