Megyn Kelly’s New Morning Show Is ‘Far from Successful’ – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly’s New Morning Show Is ‘Far from Successful’


LifeZette: Megyn Kelly’s summer attempt to create her very own “60 Minutes” was a disaster. The ratings were poor, the show was sloppily put together, and the interviews inspired nothing but controversy.

NBC, no doubt wanting to justify its reported $17 million investment, moved Kelly to the mornings — where she could tackle more lighthearted stories and somewhat reinvent her image after a rocky start with the network.

“Megan Kelly Today” premiered Monday morning — and it appears the program is just as rocky her previous one.

“‘Megyn Kelly Today’ is meant to be the final, dazzling piece of Kelly’s multimillion-dollar transmogrification from steely Fox News host to a mushy, hugs-for-everybody, midmorning TV host. It premiered Monday on NBC in the 9 a.m. hour of the ‘Today’ show, proving only that the experiment is far from successful,” read The Washington Post’s scathing review.

The Post review called the show a “Bride of Frankenstein” hodgepodge of various other programs, with Kelly interviewing guests “nervously” and “awkwardly.”  Read More

15 Comments on Megyn Kelly’s New Morning Show Is ‘Far from Successful’

  1. I know I’m not supposed to delight in others misfortunes but I can’t help but think McCain, Meghan, and others are an answer to prayer.

    Please Lord, reveal to the people who our politicians and newscasters/commentators really are and give truth justice.

    When will Obama meet with the Lord’s justice ?

  2. “wanting to justify its reported $17 million investment”

    you mean that the producers having sex with her wasn’t enough justification for her salary ?

    if they want to recoup their losses they should just put her out on the street and let her be who she really comes across as.

  3. One needs long legs to jump from an arrogant, disloyal, vindictive, destroyer, gotcha political whore to become a positive, warm and fuzzy, good morning girl.

    Being a disloyal and a former Corporate attorney she fits in well with other cold blooded invertebrates, not morning television female viewers.

    Megyn can’t cross the chasm to appear as anything other than what she is. A snake with a vicious ego that needs to be fed.

  4. I work nights, mostly I have on dick powell’s zane grey theater on Grit, but sometimes I flip across the nets (like watching a train wreck). Daytime network tv has always sucked, the today show has been nothing more than a 4 hour infomercial and stroke fest for years anyway. I stopped on meg’s yesterday, of course it’s the same crap, different host. She was dressed down and kinda frumpy so as not to offend the ladies(especially kathy lee, hoda,etc. more so than the audience maybe). All those day shows are incestuous too, in that mostly it’s all the “daytime stars” guesting on each other’s shows. Totally vacuous wasteland.

  5. Robert Redford and Jane Fonda? JANE FUCKING FONDA? No thanks. It’s time the young people were educated about Jane Fonda’s past, especially her intimacy with the Viet Cong.
    I wonder if the show’s guest list was made up by Megan Kelly or some leftist producer who thinks my generation’s veterans all have Alzheimer’s.


    ⚫ She interviewed the homosexuals from the cast Will & Grace and gushed about how the show changed everyone’s life. (eyeball roll)

    ⚫ Then the WILD CHEERING from the audience was so obnoxious I thought it was a W.W.E. production.

    ⚫ Then the NBC cast came out and it was ALL ABOUT MEGYN! They gave her hugs and wished her the best.

    It’s just as bad as everyone says it is. She has no instincts or personality. She thinks if she has blonde hair and talks, then everyone will love her.

  7. I had heard that Megyn was leaving Fox. I thought it was because of the stress over her father’s brain tumor. What? Not THAT Megyn? There’s another Megyn that’s leaving Fox. Or is that Megan Fox??? Oh, the hell with all of ’em!

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