Biotech CEO Openly Admits To Discriminating Against Men – IOTW Report

Biotech CEO Openly Admits To Discriminating Against Men

DC: The CEO of a biotech company, MaxWell Biosciences, explicitly stated his intention to discriminate against hiring men at his medical startup on Monday.

The company, which performs bioengineering and research into Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia, has the backing of high-profile investors, The Daily Caller has learned.

Company CEO Joshua McClure stated in a now-deleted tweet that he was actively seeking women to employ — at the cost of ignoring male talent who apply to work. The tweet was not well-received by critics who accused him of discriminating against men.  more

SNIP:  1. What if some ‘man’ was the person who could cure dementia or Alzheimer’s and you turned him away?
2. How would you like to be ‘that woman’ who everyone thinks got the job simply because her qualification was being a woman?

9 Comments on Biotech CEO Openly Admits To Discriminating Against Men

  1. I hope this company has a good legal department, since every male that applies and doesn’t get hired now has a case that they were discriminated against based on sex/gender.

  2. i am not sexist or racist- I dislike everyone equally so does it matter who gets the job just as long as a cure is found for the disease’s ? If a family member or friend had the disease I could care less who found the cure….

  3. Another day; another scam.
    Brad is right.
    Some politician is shoving money into this scam – and taking a cut through projected stock appreciation or through gov’t “guaranteed loans” thereon.

    Follow the money.

    Stinks just like the “Green Energy” scams of the Obola days.

    izlamo delenda est …

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