Pamela is back on youtube – IOTW Report

Pamela is back on youtube

American Thinker: Proving that you can’t silence a good woman, YouTube has reinstated Pamela Geller to its channel.

As noted on this blog a couple of days ago:

A major video archive created by one of the leading critics of creeping sharia has disappeared from YouTube, which functions as a de facto standard reference library for video content in the digital age.

Ah, but Pamela Geller has the clue when she answers her own question.  “Why?  Ask the leftist authoritarians.”  Like Trump, Geller goes against the liberal-leftist narrative dominating popular culture – in her case, the truth about Muslim acts and goals.  And the certainly non-diverse and definitely non-inclusive leftist authoritarians cannot include diverse opinions on their platforms.  So she was deleted.  Disappeared.  Poof!

But her followers remained.  As Geller writes, thanking her fans:

First and foremost, let me thank every reader, supporter, and lover of freedom for tweeting, sharing, emailing, calling and faxing (yes, faxing) YouTube, urging them to reinstate my account. Thousands of you – YOU did it.

I had appealed the termination, but they rejected my appeal. …

My account was terminated because of a 2014 video entitled, “Al Qaeda and Islamic State flags in London’s tunnels.” The video shows jihadis displaying al Qaeda and Islamic state flags on one of London’s tunnels (see this). So telling the truth gets your account terminated at YouTube.

Yes, as stated, she went against the popular liberal-leftist narrative by telling the truth!  And offering proof!  MORE

8 Comments on Pamela is back on youtube

  1. Cheers to you, Pamela!

    I’m glad those freedom hating bastards were shamed into reaching into the Memory Hole to reinstate your account.

    I’m looking forward to your next Double Plus Ungood video.

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