Mullahs Loot Iranians, the people protest – IOTW Report

Mullahs Loot Iranians, the people protest

‘We have been running back and forth for past 10 months, but heard only lies.’
‘Rouhani, Rouhani, let go of the U.S., and think about us.’
‘Rouhani, Rouhani, let go of Syria, and think about us.’
‘No to Syria, No to Lebanon, Only Iranian people.’


American Thinker:

The plunder of Iran’s wealth by the ayatollahs, who claim to be Muslim leaders, has left almost nothing for the Iranian people. Under their rule, Iran has grown poorer and its citizens more powerless. Only a tiny rich section remains in the country, comprised of mullahs and their families. Make no mistake: these rulers are rich because they have usurped the entire wealth of the rest of the country.

How did this come to pass?

Over the past two decades, mullahs established lucrative credit institutions in Iran, which eventually spread out to a network of branches. These institutions were launched with political backing, and as such, were capable of circumventing any law. Yet they had the appearance of lawful, legal institutions. Like legitimate banks, they solicited and took deposits from the people, yet because of their political muscle, were eventually able to plunder citizens’ savings with impunity.

Probably the worst example of this was called the Caspian Credit Institution. It had links with the Iran’s hated Revolutionary Guards and Supreme Leader Khamenei’s office, which enabled the institution to get permits from regime’s central bank, which lacks any sort of independence.

More than five thousand institutions of this kind were authorized by the Revolutionary Guards and regime’s police-state officials. With the help of public broadcasting and state media, the institutions launched years-long advertising blitzes, claiming to be credible and authorized by the central bank, in order to gain people’s confidence.  read more

8 Comments on Mullahs Loot Iranians, the people protest

  1. The Iranian people are probably among our closest friends in the Mideast, apart from Israel of course. The most Westernized, with many in USA and many English speakers compared to their neighbors.
    The Iranian leaders notsomuch. We need another Green Revolution, now that we have a president who will actually support it. And I expect it will come, soon.

  2. I do pity those people.
    BUT, where the hell were they, their parents, their grandparents when the muslim brotherhood came to town and threatening to put men and women in bedsheets, forcing their asses into the air 5 times a day?! They LET THEM.
    So I’m going to have to give their protest *holds up card* a 5. Because while their situation sucks balls, they invited it in.

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