They care. They really really care. – IOTW Report

They care. They really really care.

h/t Blue

22 Comments on They care. They really really care.

  1. NFL crimes are so bad, they’ve even spilled over into documentaries on the ID channel. Last one I saw was about a player who had his pregnant girlfriend followed by an SUV, the guy shot her while she was telling 911 that her fiance was trying to have her killed. The woman and her baby died.
    But hey, not liking Trump and being upset over a false police brutality is more important, right? Pfft.

  2. “All of a sudden..”

    Ahem. The difference being the exciting new permissiveness in the air to hate whitey, the country they built, and their little dog too.

    Something even their retarded suicidal white supporters can get behind.

  3. Don’t worry! We’ll ignore this just like we ignored their poor grades and bad behavior in high school so they could play football on Friday, and their poor grades and bad behavior so they could get into college, and their poor grades and bad behavior so they could play on Saturday.

    Don’t start having standards for them now!

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