Limbaugh: Trumpism is bigger than Trump – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: Trumpism is bigger than Trump


Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday Judge Roy Moore’s victory over President Donald Trump’s pick, Sen. Luther Strange, in the Republican Senate primary Alabama was really about the power of “Trumpism.”

“The voters were consistent here. They [media] are saying that Trump’s influence is over. No. No. No. What it means is — Trumpism is bigger than Trump,” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “The people in Alabama saw Trump endorse the wrong guy… they are invested in Trump. They are more so invested in Trumpism. Without Trump, there isn’t any Trumpism.”

Limbaugh told his audience that Moore was “more of a Trumpster than Trump’s pick was and that’s always been the case.”


13 Comments on Limbaugh: Trumpism is bigger than Trump

  1. So early on in the trump campaign I spotted somebody that was more suited to be President than DJT. His son, Donald Jr. But I realized it’ll take a Bull in The China Closet like his dad to set the stage. So yes Trumpism is bigger than Donald. Confession, I get Don Jr. Instagrahm feed and I’m jealous as hell. That SOB hunts with every notable Benghazi hero. Constantly has picture of his kids and wife at Elk Camp. My kind of guy. A true family man. Speaks volumes of a good father. So you speak of Trumpism. Donalds the D8 mowing over the shit. If we are lucky we will see a DJT Jr. as President one day,

  2. This is exactly what we want and it is having the desired effect on the RINOs — they’re running scared. I can’t believe McConnell with his many years in Senate wants to end his career remembered as the guy who actively worked against the citizens. It would have been so easy for him to just embrace the inevitable and he would have been beloved. Ryan is another matter. No matter what he says or does, he’ll never be trusted again.

  3. a goodie here on Spicer… ready to bring people down:

    The president’s former press secretary has tapped Chris Mead, a high-powered criminal defense attorney based, to handle issues related to the special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, The Daily Beast has learned.

    According to his bio page at the firm London & Mead, Mead specializes in white collar criminal defense and Congressional investigations, as well as issues related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act––a law that bars Americans from bribing foreign government officials. His law firm bio also boasts that he gained “extensive experience in money laundering” prosecutions when he was a prosecutor for the U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland. ”

    Foreign Corrupt Practices (FCPA) Investigations
    Chris has represented a nationally-elected leader of a large African country and his wife in a Foreign Corrupt Practices investigation. He has represented corporate employees in FCPA investigations.

    Congressional Committee Investigations
    Chris has represented business owners, lawyers, and government officials called for testimony before House and Senate committees.

    Public Corruption/Election Law Violations
    Chris has represented congressional staffers in public corruption and election law investigations. He was part of the defense team for a major D.C. developer charged with public corruption violations. After a successful trial defense, the client received probation. “

  4. Iateyourpineapple

    OK Einstein, They;ve been investigating DJT, well, forever. Tell me, what have the found? This is now approaching treasonous. Line these bastards against a wall and shoot them. Its all bull shit.

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