Antifa Teacher Arrested Again – IOTW Report

Antifa Teacher Arrested Again

DC: An infamous “anti-fascist” teacher was arrested again Tuesday in Berkeley after an Antifa “Victory March.”

Police in riot gear arrested Yvonne Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher and Antifa activist, for resisting arrest and battery, according to Campus Reform. Felarca spearheads the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality by Any Means Necessary (BAMN).

Felarca was previously arrested in July for inciting a 2016 riot, participating in the riot, and assault by means of force likely to inflict great bodily injury, reported CBS Sacramento. The teacher appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” defending her successful endeavor to shut down conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos’ February Berkeley speech.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, where Felarca teaches, for comment, but received none in time for press.  video

13 Comments on Antifa Teacher Arrested Again

  1. Sound and Vibration : Is it possible that Agitifa – Lib SJW etc. Are receiving Soros engineered Media, Emails or an App they download that are Accompampanied by a sound or Vibration that programs the Listner ???

  2. Jailtime for this bitch as well as a criminal record. No visits to Canada now as we don’t let in people with a criminal convictions. Hey, maybe your pals in Mexico will. No wait, they won’t either and nor will most of the countries of the world.

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