White House Tells Congress It Will Cap Refugee Admissions At 45,000 – IOTW Report

White House Tells Congress It Will Cap Refugee Admissions At 45,000

DC: The White House plans to cap refugee admissions at 45,000 for Fiscal Year 2018, the administration told lawmakers Wednesday, confirming speculation that President Donald Trump would sharply reduce the number of refugees allows to resettle in the U.S. next year.

The proposed ceiling is the lowest since the passage of the 1980 Refugee Act, which gives presidents wide latitude to determine how many refugees are settled in the U.S. each year.

The final number will be officially settled after the White House consults with Congressional leaders. A decision is due by Saturday, the last day of the current fiscal year.

Of the 45,000 total refugees, the vast majority will be drawn from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, senior administration officials said on background. About 19,000 will be admitted from Africa, and another 17,000 will come from what the State Department calls “Near East and South Asia,” a broad swath of conflict-plagued territory stretching from North Africa to Afghanistan.

Another 5,000 refugees will be accepted from East Asian countries, 2,000 from Europe and Central Asia, and 1,500 from Latin America and the Caribbean.  read more

10 Comments on White House Tells Congress It Will Cap Refugee Admissions At 45,000

  1. 45,000 more low IQ feral savages sucking off the taxpayer teat when we’re supposed to be deporting 60,000,000 low IQ feral savages sucking off the taxpayer teat already here??? WHAT THE F*** ARE THESE IDIOTS THINKING??? These MORONS must truly be begging for a CIVIL WAR. As someone once said, ” Be careful what you wish for, you may actually get it!!!”

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