Swingers party results in wife attacking husband with minivan – IOTW Report

Swingers party results in wife attacking husband with minivan


Last week a swingers party got violent when a jealous wife drunkenly tried to run over her husband with a minivan.

28-year-old Amber Schomaker and her 33-year-old husband were among the guests invited to the swingers party at a home in Bay City, Michigan.

Schomaker was getting cozy with the fiancé of the female host, but soon became enraged when she saw her husband disappear with the host.

When the husband came downstairs, Schomaker slapped him and bolted outside. Everyone followed her outside where she hopped into the minivan and floored it towards them.

Both men managed to leap out of the way and avoid getting mowed down. Shomaker drove away, but she returned a few minutes later to attack her husband.

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19 Comments on Swingers party results in wife attacking husband with minivan

  1. Sadly, even though the husband wasn’t run over by the minivan, he was struck by the vehicle’s external radio antenna, leaving a nasty cut on his arm which later became infected.

    So now he’s suffering from a van aerial disease.

  2. This is how every Penthouse Forum started.

    A fiery romance between a married couple rolls their sexy Kia Sedona into a swingers party in Bay City, Michigan.

    Sheila was going to have more miles put on her than the Kia tonight once she rolled over like a Ford Explorer.

    …until she realized hubby was already riding the bumper of a little red corvette.

  3. I guess I misread this. I came away thinkins she was going to make it with the host’s wife while har “spouse” was makin it with the host. Guess it doesn’t matter either.

    Back in the ’70s, a couple we only knew as distant business associates but DH had gone to HS with the wife, invited us to their home for dinner. They narrowly escaped with their teeth still intact in their heads. Both DH and I soon realized they were Slimey even before the made the overature. We left abruptly.

  4. Let me see if I understand this? She has a personal protection order against him and yet she accompanied him to a swinger party at which time she tried to make him into a flattened pancake by running over him with a minivan all due to her having an unresolved jealousy issue! Paging Dr. Phil or Judge Judy whichever need comes first!

  5. The Swing scene is a tough road to travel for anyone who needs stability in a relationship. People I’ve known (no good freinds) who were in’to this were non possesive when it came to sex … I could never , I’d beat someone !

  6. Man. Good parable of how not to live. Lack of morals all along the way. Not even going to try to figure out why someone would go to a party like that and get jealous. Sometimes a comment like “That’s just f**ked up” is enough and walk away.

    PJ, Once had a somewhat similar experience. I was invited to a party with my wife that looked like any normal Halloween party. I had just met the hosting couple a few months earlier. A house full of people drinking, talking, and singing karaoke. I really didn’t think too much about a woman hitting on me in front of my wife since I was in costume and my wife was off to my side talking to someone else.

    The brazen attempt being in front of everyone was a little surprising, though. It was in the middle of the living room where everyone within earshot could witness it. Usually they tried to catch me alone before doing anything close to that.

    Me: ‘Hello, this is my wife.’ as I pointed to my wife, now looking at us. All it took to put an end to that. I was used to getting hit on, so it didn’t occur to me it was that kind of party. What I didn’t know was I had put an end to being hit on by people that didn’t want to include her. Guess that made zero interested parties at that point. I found this out a few months later. I didn’t believe it until the host confirmed it.

    Needless to say, I never attended another party they threw. I thought some people there had disappeared because that happens when a lot of singles mingle in their 20s.

    Sometimes I don’t see things I’m not looking for. I think that’s why I have a broken gaydar. Don’t care.

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