Ann Coulter: When Life Gives You Paul Ryan, Make Lemonade – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter: When Life Gives You Paul Ryan, Make Lemonade


It is now clear that Republicans are incapable of giving us a free market in health insurance, so it continues to be illegal in America to buy health plans that don’t cover shrinks, domestic violence counseling, and HIV screening, and perhaps always shall be.

But there are still other good things Republicans can do!

First, for fun, Republicans ought to request a Congressional Budget Office score of Obamacare. The GOP’s various replacement bills have been pilloried over their CBO scorings, showing, for example, that if given a choice, up to 20 million Americans would voluntarily choose not to buy health insurance in the year 2026. The horror.

Hey, does anybody remember how the Democrats “scored” Obamacare?

I do! Democrats gamed the numbers given to the CBO by asking it to score the first 10 years of a bill that collected taxes for 10 years, but only started paying out benefits in the last six years.

On the basis of that accounting trick, the Democrats spent months hectoring Republicans who refused to vote for the bill, saying they were against SAVING THE TAXPAYERS MONEY. Yes — we’d be SAVING MONEY by providing health care for all, especially transgenders and illegals.

Now that both parts of Obamacare are in place — the money coming in and the money going out — how about asking the CBO to score the real Obamacare?

Second, where are the hearings? The usual complaint with Republicans is that they’re all talk, no action. But when it comes to Obamacare, it’s the reverse: The GOP is all action, no talk.

I pay attention to politics. Have there been hearings I’ve missed? Republicans seem to think the Tea Party did all their work for them, so why bother losing friends by holding hearings to demonstrate what a catastrophe Obamacare is?  read more

7 Comments on Ann Coulter: When Life Gives You Paul Ryan, Make Lemonade

  1. I’m pretty burned out on Ann. I was never a devoted fan although I sometimes welcomed her bomb throwing but her schtick to get attention is wearing thin. She is, at the end of the day, a pundit who needs eyeballs.

  2. There are no Republicans. There are only stealth progressives posing as Republicans. Otherwise all Trumps initiatives would be law by now. It’s all theater put on for the masses.

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