Democrats Don’t Like tax reform – IOTW Report

Democrats Don’t Like tax reform

WaTimes: Promises of bipartisanship evaporated as soon as Republicans rolled out a tax reform framework, as the few Democrats who earlier signaled a willingness to work on the issue joined their party leaders in denouncing the plan as a windfall for the wealthy.

Even the handful of vulnerable Senate Democrats whose support was targeted by President Trump ran for cover when the plan emerged.


The White House insisted Thursday that the reforms were geared toward the middle class and that Democrats would get on board as lawmakers hammer out details in the legislative process. But the overwhelming and fierce opposition from Democrats did not bode well for teamwork going forward.

Democratic lawmakers have privately indicated that their opposition is more about sabotaging Mr. Trump than the merits of the tax plan, said Rep. David Schweikert, Arizona Republican.

“It’s sort of perverse, but that’s the world we’re in,” said Mr. Schweikert, a member of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee.  Read more

10 Comments on Democrats Don’t Like tax reform

  1. Not just tax reform they’re against. They’re afraid of anything good happening on a Republican’s watch. Is the President’s plan in the best interest of out nation? Too bad. They did the same thing to GWB and the media helped by presenting the worst sides of all issues. Listening to Ron Wyden reading bumper stickers in Berkeley this morning was more than I could take.


    Since the left-wing either can’t or won’t debate anything in which the conclusion would cause their defeat, name-calling and putting the G.O.P. on defensive (which usually works) is all they have left.

    🔴 Muslim terror = Islamophobia
    🔴 Gay disease rate = Homophobia
    🔴 Chicago crime rate = Racism
    🔴 Ending abortion = Misogyny
    🔴 American history = Bigotry
    🔴 Welfare to Work = Hatred of the poor
    🔴 Protecting ourselves = Xenophobia

    and finally

    🔴 Reduce the tax burden = Tax breaks for the rich

    Is the G.O.P. going to put up a spirited fight this time, or cave in and lose the argument like they do with everything? (and you wonder why I’m a Half-Assed Patriot)

  3. The thing about all of this is it comes down to just 535 people. Whether or not the public likes it is largely irrelevant – except as it relates to the reelection of the legislators. Amazing to me that a Republican would vote against a bill like this. But I imagine that cloture will continue to be the sticking point.

    0bamacare was supposedly ‘sold to the people’. No it wasn’t, they simply got (barely) enough of those 535 legislators to vote for it.

  4. This is what tyranny looks like. It should be plainly obvious that the American people work and slave to the government, and the government isn’t here to protect the slaves; but there OWN viability.

    We’re heading towards a world that perfectly resembles the Orwellian nightmare depicted in the movie, 1984.

    There’s one answer only, in my opinion. We have the declaration of Independence and the Constitution. THAT is the framework. We need a fresh start.

    Keep the entire Bill of Rights.
    Abolish the 16th Amendment.
    Abolish the ATF, the NFA, and anything that’s designed to limit freedom.
    Abolish the bureaucracy that soaks money from the people.
    Term limits.

    Short trials and swift executions.

    There’s 320 million of us, and 535 of them.

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