School Librarian Says Dr. Seuss Books Donated By First Lady Melania Trump Are Racist Propaganda – IOTW Report

School Librarian Says Dr. Seuss Books Donated By First Lady Melania Trump Are Racist Propaganda

Here’s former prez Barack 0bama reading one. IN FRONT OF CHILDREN!
He’s peddling racist propaganda, too!

PS. There are also videos of Michelle reading them, too.  Just so ya know.


School librarian rejects Melania Trump’s donation of   Dr. Seuss books  ‘racist propaganda’.

Doug Powers:

This woman’s going to be received as a Resistance hero during the Melvil Dewey Appreciation Society meeting at the next AFSCME convention:

Earlier this month, the first lady sent out collections of 10 Dr. Seuss books to one school in each state to mark National Read a Book Day.

In a letter published on the Horn Book’s Family Reading blog, Cambridgeport Elementary School librarian Liz Phipps Soeiro said that her school wasn’t in need of the books, which included famous titles such as “The Cat in the Hat.”

“I work in a district that has plenty of resources, which contributes directly to ‘excellence,’” she wrote. “My students have access to a school library with over nine thousand volumes and a librarian with a graduate degree in library science.”

Instead, she wrote, the White House should worry more about providing support to schools that are underfunded and subject to government neglect.

“Why not go out of your way to gift books to underfunded and underprivileged communities that continue to be marginalized and maligned by policies put in place by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos?” she wrote.

She sounds like she’d be fun at parties:


41 Comments on School Librarian Says Dr. Seuss Books Donated By First Lady Melania Trump Are Racist Propaganda

  1. She sounds like she’d be fun at parties

    Great idea! She could be “it” in Hide & Seek and after she’s hidden herself everybody could leave. Or she could take the lead role in Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Possibilities abound!

  2. “…librarian with a graduate degree in library science…” there’s a degree associated with understanding the Dewey Decimal System? Who knew. It appears that
    Cambridgeport Elementary School librarian Liz Phipps Soeiro is a charter member of the Nazi Librarian Party.

  3. I suppose she wants to burn all the books that don’t fit within her narrow minded, self-serving, hate whitey, racist ways in an attempt to re-construct society in her own image.

    Longing for the day when this era is looked back on as an example of how crazy people like her shouldn’t have any position of power or influence. A post Commies-teaching-in-college era.

  4. “Why not go out of your way to gift books to underfunded and underprivileged communities that continue to be marginalized and maligned by policies put in place by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos?”

    OK bitch, then grab a box, some stamps and you send them out yourself without all the yap yap. Noooo she can’t. She isn’t authorized to do anything but organize books on the shelves and shush people with her knobby finger up to her face crack.

  5. HOME SCHOOL or bona fide Christian school. Problem solved.

    “7000 volumes” She forgot to add: 6,999 volumes of “Millie’s Two Mommies” and one “Where’s My Vagina?: A Picture Book for Curious Young People.”

  6. “Soeiro was called into the office and counseled (Translated: Read the riot act) as it was pointed out to her that as a mere employee, she does not have the power to accept or reject books and furthermore it was pointed out to her that it is strictly forbidden to use school time and materials for political purposes.

    The school will be accepting the books…”

    From Conservative Firing Line:

  7. As a kid who grew up reading Dr. Seuss I’d say this library ma’am is very obtuse as well as having some screws loose. Kids love Dr. Seuss, I don’t know it they love or even like the likes of yous. So go away library ma’m your whole life is one big sham.

  8. Ms. Phipps-Soeiro either writes an abject, groveling letter of apology or she gets fired. She’s made Maine a laughing stock even among liberals with her off the charts stupidity and with an atitude like that he should not be allowed near any children lest they be contaninated at an early age with status based racism.

  9. So Liz the Lib was taken down a peg or two. Good.
    The hatred these people have for President Trump and his beautiful
    wife borders on insanity.
    It’s a terrible way to live your life- full of hatred.

  10. @MerryMouse: Maybe that librarian knew about THESE Theodor Seuss Geisel (“Dr. Seuss”) cartoons:

    Note that Geisel was a Liberal, and his “racist” drawings were no big deal back in the day, before Political Correctness and White Guilt became the norm. Even his WW2 anti-Jap cartoon is racist by today’s standards.

    And then there’s THIS:


  11. @OpenTheDoor: Don’t get me wrong; I wasn’t criticizing Theo. I was merely pointing out that even Liberals followed society’s standards back in the day, and would be (and obviously are) judged harshly by current mores. That’s why it’s stupid to do it. We live by today’s rules, not by tomorrow’s.

    I have often said that in the future, people will probably look back on our boxing matches much as we do the Roman gladiator contests. Pain, and occasionally death, inflicted by one person on another for the amusement and pleasure of an audience.

    The only difference is in the degree of suffering.

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