Beach Ball Freaks Out Students At Southern Illinois University – IOTW Report

Beach Ball Freaks Out Students At Southern Illinois University

Daily Caller: Conservative students at Southern Illinois University were informed by police that their “free speech ball” was “freaking out” leftist students on campus, who complained about its presence on campus.

In a video obtained by Campus Reform, conservative student activists from Turning Point USA, the Leadership Institute and Young Americans for Liberty can be seen speaking to police officers. The students were welcoming other students to write messages on the beach ball to exercise their First Amendment rights.

Campus police stopped the students from doing so, informing them that the school received numerous reports from students who were “scared” by the ball.  read more

22 Comments on Beach Ball Freaks Out Students At Southern Illinois University

  1. So? Their mental freakouts are not my problem. I am not talking to them or threatening them in any way. If they do not like what we are doing or saying, they are more then welcome to either come and talk to us directly, or leave the area. Either way, we are continuing. Thank you, officer, for informing us of the non-problem.

  2. Lord above, help the future of earth.

    It’s so fun to watch the leftist spin itself into oblivion, by this type of ‘protesting’. It clarifies their point is NOT social justice, it’s suppression of everything American.

    Much like HRC’s digging her own hole to obscurity. ‘America’ s smartest’ woman exposing herself as the “Emperor With No Clothes”.

  3. Drove by a college campus the other day, rolled down the window and yelled, “BOO!”

    Eight people went in to cardiac arrest, two dozen others wet themselves, classes were cancelled, safe spaces were opened and councilors were brought in for the remainder of the week.

  4. Someone needs to start a GoFundMe campaign to buy and place these balls on every major campus in America. All the snowflakes will run, screaming from the colleges, leaving only the smart, conservative students. We save America in one generation.

  5. did not get to see the ball? I could not last long enough with the swinging video, hand someone else the camera, give the guy a fidget spinner. must have been a large group to need permission for free speech.

  6. For a segment of people that murders babies, takes cock in the anus, welcomes muslim and MS13 savages, they are afraid of a plastic ball? Is there some new ball shaped gun I don’t know about?

  7. “Not to be offended or frightened” is not a human or civil right. It cannot be, for if it were every individual would have to know the foibles, phobias, and bêtes noire of every other individual they come in any sort of contact with. That’s simply not possible.

    @Colin the little brown emoji – I like your idea of a TRIGGER t-shirt. How about that word in large letters on the back and YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT NOT TO BE OFFENDED on the front?

  8. I got a degree from SIU almost 3 decades ago. We went down there last March to show my kid around, he’s interested in aviation. The place was unrecognizable, not because of new construction, but because the area was filled with goofs. Not a single bar open at 5pm on the strip, hardly anyone walking around campus and dare I say it, muslimes were all over the place. Every girl I saw was short, fat and frumpy. A few wore pink pussy hats. When I was there in the early 90’s the place was rocking, shit was going on everywhere and while they were there back then, filthy SJW’s were in the shadows.

  9. This is why I have a problem with the police

    Every whiner that calls, THEY SIDE WITH THE WHINER!

    A big scary ball? Just tell them the ball is no committing a crime and hang up.

    Someone is carrying a GUN! Tell them it’s part of our 2nd Amendment right to carry a gun, and hang up.

    A man has an anti-Obama sign, IN HIS YARD! Just tell them he has a right to his own property.

    Someone is selling lemonade–ILLEGALLY! Just say, we encourage kids to engage in Capitalism.

    THE POLICE ARE CODDLERS when it comes to this kind of stuff, when they should stand their ground and tell whiners to mind their own business.

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