The Hef Is Gone Whatever Shall We Do? – IOTW Report

The Hef Is Gone Whatever Shall We Do?

Canada Free Press: 

David Meade, who created all the hype about the end of the world on September 23, of this year has now decided that the date will now be more likely on October 15th of 2017.

There is little reason to attack or even discuss the error this man has made; the real question is why anyone has believed him to begin with.

People with a totally secular world view don’t know any better and the Christians who took Meade seriously should have known better.

This is why no matter who is making these prophecies, Pope or YouTube prophet, we who trust in the scriptures – will not bite.

Our Lord has made it quite clear – date setting is absolute folly and it is forbidden.

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Mt 24: 36)

The worst part of chasing the latest date for the second coming of Christ is that each time it fails the unbelievers are emboldened and pushed further into their own pathway to perdition. It becomes fuel for scoffers and naysayers. The secularists mock and the world are laughing at the very message that could bring them to the doors of life.

The contradiction such prophets are stuck in is this. While naming dates is not in our Bibles, those who make these predictions are. To wit:

“Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Mt 24: 23-24)

Cocky Millennials

According to the Barna Reports, we can safely conclude that today’s millennials are not seeking God in big numbers, and those that do, are making up their own rules about who he is and what he wants.

Throughout history it has been tacitly accepted that the youth go through a period where almost all their decisions are either wrong or borderline dangerous. Millennials are different – they exude a kind of pompous assurance that seems to say that they actually have a right to be wrong.

Are they self-made or indoctrinated?

But they live in a world that is inundated with absurdities and error.

We have highly paid millionaire athletes bowing the knee for the mistreatment of blacks by white cops while none of them will bow their heads in shame at the black on black crime that has beset every major city in the nation.

They have decided under the advice of an army of Godless, atheistic liberal professors that God is a pipe dream, but at the same time they are urged to believe that billions of years is all it takes to produce untold millions of species of flora and fauna whose complexity and balance are beyond the imagination.

They think that denying free speech is how you protect it. (ANTIFA)

They demand safe zones, but who is safe from them if you do not agree with their viewpoint?  MORE

17 Comments on The Hef Is Gone Whatever Shall We Do?

  1. “There is little reason to… even discuss the error this man has made”


    The man is a date setter, seeking to proclaim his own vain imaginings as if they’re of God – things which God did not say. That makes him a false prophet because he makes God look like a liar.

    And to even say that it doesn’t matter, the person who wrote the article doesn’t believe the Bible any more than the false prophet does.

  2. One less depraved, immoral pervert who advocated, promoted, who lived a life in his own, created sodom and gomorrah. Just 1/16th of step above Larry Flint. The lesser of two evils, is still evil.

  3. excuse be but the 2nd coming is detailed in the new testament. Two disciples were walking and discussing the events that had taken place when a stranger asked about it. It wasn’t until later when they ate supper and broke bread with him that they realized who he was.

    The Temple was totally destroyed in 70 AD. Would that not have been the fulfillment of the prophecy of the destruction of the “world” as it was known.

    “This generation will not pass away until all these things have come to pass”

    “no stone (of the Temple) will be left standing on another”

    To read scripture any other way. That the year is 2017 is well.. stupid.

  4. “no stone (of the Temple) will be left standing on another”

    You just added to the Scripture. Christ wasn’t speaking only of the temple but of all Jerusalem. He said that when that Day came, not one stone will be left standing in all of the city. That did not happen in 70.

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