Feds Slap Tree Company With $95 Million Penalty For Hiring Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Feds Slap Tree Company With $95 Million Penalty For Hiring Illegal Aliens

DC: A national tree services company will have to pay a a record fine after admitting that it engaged in a scheme to hire illegal aliens, federal prosecutors announced Thursday.

Asplundh Tree Expert Co., a suburban Philadelphia-based contractor that trims and removes trees around power lines, pleaded guilty Thursday to a federal criminal charge and was ordered to pay a total of $95 million, the biggest penalty ever levied in an immigration case.

Federal Judge John R. Padova ordered the company to pay a criminal forfeiture judgment of $80 million, plus a $15 million civil penalty to satisfy additional civil claims for failure to follow immigration law. MORE

19 Comments on Feds Slap Tree Company With $95 Million Penalty For Hiring Illegal Aliens

  1. I sent this article to my daughter who works for a winery and is in charge of Human Resources. Trump is doing what he said he was going to do and that was deport illegals and make it difficult for employers who hire illegals. Winning!

  2. Worse yet, have a look at ” Servicemaster ” . They are the go to if legal Mexicans, have relatives in from Mexico who need a few weeks of work !
    Yes they work on Vacation , it’s one of the perks of the trip and Sericemaster makes it easy !!!

  3. That money should go into The Wall fund and it should come with a plaque. This stretch of the US/Mexican border wall was provided by Asplundh Tree Expert Co. who knowingly hired illegal labor, avoid taxes, and keep from paying American workers.

    For good measure, add the entire executive office to the Dept. of Treasury’s OFAC Registry. Every profit and salary they made is fruit from the forbidden tree.

  4. The geniuses at this company destroyed my next door neighbors house a few years ago. They had a large pine tree near the house and called Asplundh “Tree Experts” to remove it. The morons used a bucket truck and also did some climbing in order to cut all the limbs off the tree such that all that was left standing was a giant stick about 3 to 4 feet in diameter at the base and close to 100 feet tall.

    They then proceeded to cut the tree off near the ground with the supposed intent of it falling away from the house. I was watching the process and having cut quite a number of trees in my time (and watching / helping my dad cut pulpwood as a young lad), I knew that the way they were cutting the tree it couldn’t help but fall on the house – they were cutting with a downward angle toward the house (on the side of the tree away from the house).

    Sure enough, the tree sliced right through the roof like a knife through hot butter to destroy one entire end of the house all the way to the basement floor. The impact felt like a small earthquake in my house.

    Calling themselves “tree experts” obviously doesn’t make them such. So not only do they hire illegals, they also hire complete idiots that have no idea of what they are doing. I guess they use the savings from hiring illegals to pay for all the stuff they tear up.

    Hopefully this will wake up a lot of companies that have been hiring illegals and make them rethink this as a business practice – actually enforcing the laws can be a good deterrent for many things.

  5. As a tacit Republican, I can say that I am pleased with the results. I’m not a corporate shill. They could have hired a lot of Americans who needed the money, but instead they screwed us all for cheap labor.

  6. I live in the mountains and there is nothing but brown tree cutters. Walk by their jobsite and you hear nothing but spanish. A white American couldn’t get a job with them for a bribe.

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