Experts Mock California’s Push To Ban Fossil Fuel Vehicles In The State – IOTW Report

Experts Mock California’s Push To Ban Fossil Fuel Vehicles In The State

DC: Analysts and conservatives believe a Democrat-led plan to propose a ban on gas-powered cars in California later this year is a pie-in-the-sky scheme that ignores important factors about the state’s auto industry.

Assemblyman Phil Ting plans to introduce a bill in January that would ban the sale of gas-powered cars produced after 2040. The Democratic lawmaker said California drivers must adopt electric vehicles if the state is going to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – but some are scoffing at the push.

“The market is moving this way. The entire world is moving this way. At some point you need to set a goal and put a line in the sand,” Ting told reporters Friday. Environmental groups such as the Sierra Club have joined his push to wipe out the state’s fossil fuel industry.

“It’s an important conversation to have and we’re glad it’s starting to get some traction,” said Gina Coplon-Newfield, an official with the Sierra Club who works on promoting green energy technology. Ting and Sierra Club are meeting some stiff resistance from people who suggest the idea probably not doable.

Kerry Jackson, a fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free market non-profit group, for instance, told reporters that the push to force citizens to abandon their gas-powered cars is another example of the state’s overzealous environmentalism.

“The reaction is like, ‘Gee, somebody has been reading The Onion and they got taken in by the parody,” he said, responding to lawmakers’ desire to delete the fossil fuel industry. “But then it fades a little bit and you go, ‘Yeah, this is California.’”  more here

18 Comments on Experts Mock California’s Push To Ban Fossil Fuel Vehicles In The State

  1. “…a ban on gas-powered cars in California later this year is a pie-in-the-sky scheme…”

    (SHHH! Don’t let the cat out of the bag!)
    C’mon, California, DO IT!

  2. Maybe these vehicles will run on bullshit fumes?

    Seriously though, I fully expect this state to repress itself back to horse and buggy, but then they’d probably impose a “horse shitting on the road tax” and increase the flatulence tax that’s already in place.

    It’s for the children.

  3. Show America you are serious. Ban private jet travel today. The CA political elite and Hollywood elite can fly coach or ride Greyhound. I’d even support high speed rail in exchange. Otherwise ESAD.

  4. It must be nice to live in a world that anything you can ideate can be come public policy, even if the idea is not feasible or cost effective. It appears that there is too much wacky baccy in Ca.

  5. Assemblyman Phil Ting, you set the example, by giving up your chauffeured cars and private jets, and the huge drain of fossil fuels used to power YOUR huge estates, and DEMAND the rest of political and entertainment ‘leaders’ of CA, so so also.

  6. Tell Mr. Trump to have a spur off that wall that goes up the Arizona border and from Nevada and Oregon to the coast.
    Every time California comes up with more bullshit make it another foot higher.

  7. As other posters have pointed out, electric cars often merely shift the place of carbon emission. California needs a more holistic approach. How about eliminating the entire carbon feetprints — planes, trains, and automobiles, electric bigscreens, lawn mowers, and air considtioners — of a vast number of Californians, by instituting mass deportations of all illegal California residents?

  8. A thousand of these political turds don’t have the brains of a single chicken. See what’s going on in puerto rico? They can’t recover cause they have NO Gas! How’d people escape the hurricanes? In cars powered by GAS! How will calif escape the fires, the earthquakes and the dreaded Russians without GAS? There has to be a retroactive Constitutional Amendment that makes politicians OBEY their own horseshit.

  9. No such thing as “fossil” fuel.
    It’s a fucking lie.
    Petroleum is being produced, as we type, by bacteria in the immense pressures and temperatures under the seas. Carbon is joined to Hydrogen in one of two ways – Photosynthesis and by great Pressures and Temperatures (with the catalytic bacteria) overcoming the Coulombic forces of the electron shells to form the molecular chains.

    I’m only a dumb-ass retired plumber, and I know this!

    So why do they persist in the lie? THAT’s the REAL question!
    And why is CA run by imbeciles?
    And as Brown Eyed Girl asks, why wait? What’s the advantage of waiting, other than that the dumb maggots who vote for it will be dead (hopefully)?

    izlamo delenda est …

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