Jennifer Palmieri: $1000/Year in tax cuts ‘Not That Much For Working Class Families’ – IOTW Report

Jennifer Palmieri: $1000/Year in tax cuts ‘Not That Much For Working Class Families’

Jennifer Palmieri, who served as Hillary Clinton’s communications director in the 2016 campaign, claimed that $1000 a year in tax cuts is “not that much” for a working class family.

Clinton was accused of being out of touch with working class voters during the 2016 campaign, and Palmieri’s comments on MSNBC Friday certainly won’t help that perception fade.

Hillary Comms Director: $1000/Year ‘Not That Much For Working Class Families’ [VIDEO]

17 Comments on Jennifer Palmieri: $1000/Year in tax cuts ‘Not That Much For Working Class Families’

  1. What the hell is she talking about? That’s some serious drinking money for at least a month!!

    Dumb idiot – her logic is that $1,000 is not very much so the government should keep it (typical socialist thought).

  2. Right, just as soon as my school board finds out that I have been given a $1,000.00 dollar federal tax break they will immediately and joyfully raise my property taxes $1,000.00 dollars!

  3. $1000 a year is supposedly for a family of four. It isn’t much. Then you have empty nesters who are still earning a living. If you have to have two kids as dependents to get $1000 a year, will the empty nesters be paying an extra $1000 per year?
    Personally, I am disappointed in this tax plan.

  4. Obviously, $1000 means nothing to her.

    She probably pisses away twice that each month in her futile attempts to prettify.

    For real people, $83 a month is a telephone payment, or a once-a-week outing to Burger King, or 100 liters of Muscatel.

    izlamo delenda est …

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