Trump Stops Air Force One from Taking Off to Speak with Injured Police Officer – IOTW Report

Trump Stops Air Force One from Taking Off to Speak with Injured Police Officer


President Donald Trump delayed the departure of Air Force One from Indianapolis in order to speak to a police officer who was injured whilst escorting his visit.

Officer Robert Turner, who was providing a police escort for Trump’s visit, crashed his motorcycle on the I-70 and was subsequently taken to hospital where he was given emergency treatment and neck brace.

However, shortly after arriving at the hospital, he received a call from President Trump himself, who delayed his flight back to Washington in order to speak with the wounded officer.

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18 Comments on Trump Stops Air Force One from Taking Off to Speak with Injured Police Officer

  1. Time and again Trump shows his true character, if people would only care to see it. In some things he’s a reactor; doesn’t stop to consider the political gains. That’s when he reveals himself outside the business bluster.

  2. @clayusmcret-
    “Time and again Trump shows his true character, if people would only care to see it.”

    “People who get their news through MSM (broadcast, internet, or written) will NEVER be allowed to see the ‘true’ President Trump. The MSM works over time, spinning lies.

  3. Mighty Mojo said
    “People who get their news through MSM (broadcast, internet, or written) will NEVER be allowed to see the ‘true’ President Trump. The MSM works over time, spinning lies.”

    So right. But Trump and those around him are making good use of social media and getting the word out.

    We have a very smart President. What a great gift to America (as if we’ve deserved it)!

    God is good.

  4. -Anderson Cooper: “Clearly getting the way of the officer’s treatment.” “Let’s go to Dr. Gupta to learn of the consequences of making the patient talk when he has such horrible injuries.”
    -Dr. Gupta: “Well, Anderson, its really unpredictable. His vocal cords might be severely damaged by the laughter.”
    -Lemon: “We need to add that the officer was laughing because he had been heavily sedated…”
    -Dr. Gupta “That goes without saying, Lemon!”
    -Anderson: “And there you have it. Trump’s narcissism on display once again.”

  5. I appreciate the sentiment and all, and what Trump did by calling the man was a good thing, but it was after all a phone call. With all the communications gear aboard AF1 couldn’t he have made the call from the moving plane without lengthening the interruption to IND air traffic?

  6. I will meet all members of “The Media” in Hell someday.

    They’ve been so busy, for so many year, Bearing False Witness, that they’ve forgotten that it is A Commandment, not merely a choice of how to make their sausages day in/day out.

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