The Brain Eating Virus – IOTW Report

The Brain Eating Virus

The latest effects of Liberalism the brain eating virus on are full display regarding people’s response to the tragedy


11 Comments on The Brain Eating Virus

  1. They just don’t know better, reality is a fleeting moment to these folks. Liberals get them on one single focus, and leave them there until they have another use for them !!!

  2. These idiots have never killed a food animal, much less watched a teenage girl gasping in agonal death, the life drain out with her eyes wide open. Stupid, callous and irreparably infantilized cretins.

    It’s one of the reasons we should stop fighting enemies overseas and just let wars happen here on our own soil. The divisiveness and willful stupidity would stop.

  3. If you think condition is not to wide spread, look at all the late-night propaganda shovelers refer to themselves as entertainers. they already are already deep into the onset condition

  4. Nothing to do with this video, but did anyone watch the latest PC in Vegas?
    First off the FBI guy was kind of stupid, you want us to get it right, you trust us….then basically I ain’t telling you shit. I don’t know who that you is unless it’s the media because not many out here in the real world who trust the FBI. About the only thing out of his mouth was they’re talking to people across the country and across the world.

    Sheriff it seemed to me is getting a little frustrated and seemed as if the FBI was trying to keep him out of the loop. He did say also found in his car was 10 – 1 lb containers of tannerite and 2 – 20 lb containers of tannerite. He also said he believes at some point he had to have had help and talked about his secret life and evidence pointed he had plans to try and escape.

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