Student Whose MAGA Hat Was Stolen Presses Charges Against Social Justice Thief – IOTW Report

Student Whose MAGA Hat Was Stolen Presses Charges Against Social Justice Thief

Milo: A UC Riverside student whose Make America Great Again hat was stolen by a female social justice activist is pressing charges against the thief. In response, the thief’s peers are calling on the university to protect her from the law and pay for her rent.

Last week, video of the altercation emerged on social media, showing UC Riverside student Edith Macias refusing to return a hat belonging to another student, Matthew Vitale. In the video, which was uploaded by Vitale, Macias can be seen ranting that the hat is causing “genocide” in America. She pleaded for school administrators to punish Vitale for exercising his First Amendment right.

Vitale’s video received over 4.5 million views before it was removed from Facebook. Vitale reuploaded it, but it has since been mirrored on various YouTube channels.

Stunned office workers are seen attempting to defuse the situation by asking Macias to give them the hat, which they promptly return to Vitale amid her increasingly wild protests.

“This is mine. You do not get to take other people’s property that is legally theirs in this county,” says Vitale, who is rebuffed by the female student.

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22 Comments on Student Whose MAGA Hat Was Stolen Presses Charges Against Social Justice Thief

  1. Good. She was gobsmacked that everyone wasn’t in agreement with her from the start.

    Now she’s smacked with reality.

    Sometimes I think a tranq dart pistol should be carried to shut them down.


    I said sit down! Now go back to eating paste while the adults ship you off to a permanent safe space.

  2. rallying to her defense, demanding that the college protect her from any charges and even “pay for alternate housing accommodations for Macias and their family while simultaneously covering their current housing costs in order to keep them safe from threats of harm.”

    As the statement implies, Macias identifies with the pronouns “they/them.”

    Really? Man, fuck her pronouns. “Their family.” What in the heck does that even mean? Does not compute.

  3. Good. Edith Macias is going to have reiterated that there’s a big old world outside her bubble that aligns with reality.

    When I first saw this, I wondered how people like her ever find a place in a functional society. They don’t. We suffer them until they figure things out and convert to normal life, or problems like this solve themselves.

  4. A fat and squat little border jumper decides how things will be in this country. A fattened tick that shows no appreciation for the good fortune of being in this country. Sickening how we have digressed.

  5. A body that one look tells you her ancestry spent their lives being beasts of burden working at hard labor and carrying heavy loads. Their primitive undeveloped brains are a big part of this physiology. She’s really a waste of space in a college atmosphere and more suited working some low level area of construction.

  6. “This is mine. You do not get to take other people’s property that is legally theirs in this county,”

    And The Constitution laughed so hard It peed. On his shoes. And proclaimed, through the mouths of It’s preternaturally inspired prophets, The Supreme Court, that it was raining. And mandated the purchase, that are not taxes, of umbrellas, approved by It’s pharisees. And the people were glad.

  7. What a stupid fat angry unhinged useless slob. What kind of job or career could a lunatic like this possibly go into? Good money sez she is some kind of a ‘studies’ major that is just drifting around, and also getting floated by a taxpayer funded stupid gov’t diversity program. U of C system, used to be premier and respected, look what the left has done to it — into the toilet.

  8. As much as it pains me to admit it, there are women out there that have the magical ability to turn homosexual men into raging heteros.

    Edith Macias is not one of them.

  9. She might be capable, after some training and w close supervision, of standing at a road construction site propping up a sign that says “Stop” on one side, and “Slow” on the other. Then spinning the sign 180 degrees every 1 minute or so. A stretch I know, trying to be creative. She would have to learn to keep her fat mouth shut, I don’t see that happening though.

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