Senate Intel Committee Doesn’t Know If Steele Dossier Is Credible – IOTW Report

Senate Intel Committee Doesn’t Know If Steele Dossier Is Credible

DC: The Senate Intelligence Committee has been unable to assess the credibility of the infamous Trump dossier because its author, Christopher Steele, has refused to cooperate with the panel’s investigation into Russian interference in the presidential campaign.

“Unfortunately, the committee has hit a wall,” North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, the chairman of the committee, said during a press conference on Wednesday.

“We have on several occasions made attempts to contact Mr. Steele, to meet with Mr. Steele,” said Burr, who added that attempts made by he and committee vice-chairman Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, to meet with the former British spy have been unsuccessful.

“The committee cannot really decide the credibility of the dossier without understanding things like who paid for it, who are your sources and sub-sources,” Burr added.

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16 Comments on Senate Intel Committee Doesn’t Know If Steele Dossier Is Credible

  1. These guys can’t be that stupid. They have to be playing the angle that the majority of Americans are that stupid. And on that count I’m afraid they are probably right.

  2. Spare us any more of the theatrics. We know, having seen so many of these that absolutely nothing will come of it. It’s just a venue for you members to puff yourselves up and act decisive. You’re a old joke.

  3. “Unfortunately, the committee has hit a wall,”

    That’s the only wall the senate acknowledges.

    If the House and Senate failures were bricks, the border wall would be complete.

  4. not surprising since the whole russia collusion mess is made up anyway.

    if they were really trying to connect Russia to a campaign and the election, hillary and podesta would be indicted by now.

    have they even announced any crimes that were committed ?

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