Obama-era appointee used federal workers like servants – IOTW Report

Obama-era appointee used federal workers like servants

DC: An Obama-era appointee was never punished last year for using federal employees as chauffeurs and personal travel assistants, according to a report Tuesday from Bloomberg.

Mel Watt, the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), directed FHFA employees to drive him and his wife to the airport for personal trips. He also made them book flights unrelated to government business, the agency’s inspector general said in a December 2016 report.

Watt directed staff to make these arrangements for him and his family nearly 30 times, the agency’s inspector general noted in a 2016 report. The report said the requests were “inconsistent with standards of ethical conduct.” The IG’s report was initially published last year but Watt’s name was redacted, as were the details of the case.

Bloomberg’s report surfaced after Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned after it was revealed that he used private planes on the government dime.  read more

12 Comments on Obama-era appointee used federal workers like servants

  1. I played “Guess the Race” game and won again!
    More Black Privilege in the administration of the jug-eared, tone-deaf, purple-lipped, incompetent, lazy, vacationing, malicious, petty, lawless, phoney-baloney, Deserter-honoring, Jihad-coddling, maladroit, plastic banana republic, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, Manchurian Doorknob and Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard!

  2. If they’re not using their federal employees as servants, they’re using their servants as federal employees. It’s how Obama’s campaign van driver became his National Security Spokesman.

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