Canada: Trudeau omitted mention of Jews in dedicating National Holocaust Monument – IOTW Report

Canada: Trudeau omitted mention of Jews in dedicating National Holocaust Monument


Canada was the last industrialized country to officially commemorate the Holocaust and only last week dedicated its National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa.

The design of it clearly evokes and honors the six-point Star of David emblem of Judaism:

Yet the plaque Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau unveiled last week at the dedication of the monument omitted any mention of Jews.

Presumably, the wording used by the P.M. in a public exhibition went through several rounds of staff review and approval, yet nobody working for Trudeau noticed this?  How is that possible?

So insulting is this omission that the embarrassed government of Canada is removing the plaque.  more

13 Comments on Canada: Trudeau omitted mention of Jews in dedicating National Holocaust Monument

  1. When one imports tens of thousands of highly excitable muzzietards one realizes it best to not antagonize said muzzietards.

    Or, in short hand: Canada, Trudeau is putting the ground work to be ready for your Muslim Overlords. Good luck with that.

  2. “We must be vigilant in standing guard against hate, intolerance and discrimination.”

    How does one accomplish this task, by allowing thousands of islamic terrorists who have a 1400 year history of bloodshed, hate, intolerance and discrimination into Canada?

  3. Melanie Joly made the announcement in question period Tuesday after Conservative MP David Sweet noted that the plaque failed to mention the Jewish people by name.

    “How could the prime minister permit such a glaring omission of reference to anti-Semitism and the fact that the millions of men, women and children who were murdered were overwhelmingly Jewish?” Sweet asked.

    “If we’re going to stamp out hatred towards Jews, it’s important to get history right.”

    Sweet urged Trudeau to correct the “profoundly obvious” oversight.

    Joly told the House of Commons the plaque will be replaced. She said the monument commemorates the six million Jewish people and five million other victims murdered during the Holocaust.

    Six to five. Less than 55 percent land- -slide. The special is strong in these snowflakes.

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