Commie West Point Grad Was Reported In 2015 For Anti-American Posts – IOTW Report

Commie West Point Grad Was Reported In 2015 For Anti-American Posts

DC: The Army officer who outed himself as a radical Marxist had been reported back in 2015 for publishing inappropriate and outright anti-American views online, according to a scathing report obtained by The Daily Caller.

The report gave exhaustive and damning details on 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone’s disqualifying insubordination at the U.S. Military Academy, extremist political views and out-of-regulations online activity. Still, the Academy’s administration saw fit to allow Rapone to graduate in 2016.


Rapone made the news last week for his pro-communism tweets during the #VetsForKaepernick social media craze.

West Point’s Public Affairs office quickly released a statement last week condemning Rapone’s actions, saying that they “in no way reflect the values of the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Army… Second Lieutenant Rapone’s chain of command is aware of his actions and is looking into the matter.”

The statement leaves readers with the idea that Rapone’s chain of command (and indeed the academy at large) was unaware of his radicalism and frequent Uniform Code of Military Justice violations. It turns out a senior officer reported Rapone to his chain of command nearly two years ago.

more here


SNIP: We always hear people say, “Where do these creeps come from?!”
We know where they come from, it’s just that no one wants to take responsibility to out them or to stop them.
For what purpose is a known anti-American in the ranks of a military academy?

22 Comments on Commie West Point Grad Was Reported In 2015 For Anti-American Posts

  1. Make a list of all those reviewing (and burying) said report
    (man, was that ever SCATHING!) and have them fired immediately
    after discharging and fining this pipsqueak traitor.

  2. West Point’s original statement said unequivocally that they had no problem with Communism and that is was practically a protected point of view no more offensive than being a capitalist or pro-American.

    Not enough people have been fired or relieved of a command they were granted by a usurper.

  3. Thought I read somewhere that a WPA teacher (of the muslim persuasion) is on “suggested admin leave” until further notice. If true, this kid is the least of their problems.

  4. If the academy knew about his views before he graduated, and the academy still allowed him to graduate. The academy supports his views imo. W. P. Needs new leadership & a new public affairs dept.

  5. Professor Rasheed Hosein the commie’s counselor, advisor, (co-conspirator?) is a muzz from Canada & Chicago.

    Oh fer cryin’ out loud here:
    USMA Muslim Lay Chaplain
    Emeritus Faculty Advisor, Phi Alpha Theta
    OIC, Muslim Cadet Association
    OR, USMA Women’s Army Rugby

  6. “Duty, Honor, Country,” a striking expression of West Point ’s time-honored ideals, is the motto of the U.S. Military Academy and is embedded in its coat of arms.

    In the case of Rapone, and God only knows how many others, the the expression of West Points ideals are Bullshit.

  7. Emeritus Faculty Advisor – he lost that job

    Member of Phi Alfa Theta, sounds impressively Greek, turns out anybody who teaches history, anybody with 12 credits in history can join. It should be looked at as a terrorist cover.


    When he gets his fellow soliders killed, I’m more than certain Washington, West Point, and everyone else will pretend to be totally shocked and point fingers away from themselves.

  9. This POS dishonored himself, his Parents, Family, the Academy, the ARMY and this Nation.

    This traitorous shitbag should spend the entirety of his military obligation emptying the contents of outhouses used by the enlisted Patriots who honorably serve their Country.


    “But Rapone, assigned to Fort Drum’s 10th Mountain Division, may have crossed a line for acceptable conduct this week when he tweeted photos of himself in his dress uniform to make a political statement.

    That’s why Fort Drum commanders launched an investigation into Rapone that could result in administrative or punitive action, said Tonya Stokes, speaking for the Northern New York military post.

    “Both the Department of Defense and the Army have long-standing policies encouraging soldiers to participate in the democratic process,” Stokes said in a statement.

    “Among other activities, soldiers are encouraged to vote in elections and express their personal opinions on public issues,” Stokes said. “However, the Army has strict rules regarding the wear and appearance of Army uniforms. The appropriate command authorities are reviewing the situation.”

    So Communism and an oath to undermine and overthrow our government is “the democratic process”. So says the Army. You can support the violent overthrow of our government from within but for shit’s sake don’t flash the Che Guevara shirt underneath your dress clothes – you’re violating the protocol, brah.

  11. “in no way reflect the values of the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Army… ”

    Dumbass, he DOES represent the US Army. He’s not wearing antifa gear!! Weasel excuse.

  12. Rapone isn’t the cause, he’s just a symptom of a corrupted military academy. But West Point isn’t the only academy affected. Remember the AF Academy’s problems?

    The solution isn’t to spend more tax-payer dollars on PR, it is to fix the damn problems, starting with the genius leadership who set a terrible example with their sneakiness and shifting the blame.

    I do hope SecDef Mattis finds the time to make this a priority.

  13. So under the O. administration that was fine. No reprimand. The people running the school were fine with it. No wonder he thought it was OK to hate his own country. What would happen to him in any communist country, I wonder?

  14. This is all really disgusting. Used to be the academies only accepted the best of the best of the best. Can’t help but be angry at all the waste involved and the lost opportunities for young people who would have excelled in the place of so many losers.

  15. It would not be fair or just to reprimand, fine, strip Rapone of his degree/commission without also ousting his entire chain of command who provided cover and/or looked the other way.

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