San Antonio: Prof threatens to expel student for saying Islamic countries kill gays – IOTW Report

San Antonio: Prof threatens to expel student for saying Islamic countries kill gays

Once again, the left is appalled by people who discuss reality.

JihadWatch: What Alfred McDonald said was true, but what does the truth matter? It has long been established that in the hierarchy of politically correct causes, Islam trumps gay rights. When AFDI ran ads highlighting the mistreatment of gays in Islamic law, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors issued a resolution condemning not that mistreatment, but our ads. Gay advocates such as Theresa Sparks and Chris Stedman attacked us for daring to call attention to the institutionalized mistreatment of gays under Islamic law.

“Student ‘forced to leave’ university after saying extremist Islamic groups kill LGBTI people,” by Charlie Mathers, GayStarNews, October 2, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Alfred MacDonald left University of Texas at San Antonio after feeling ‘difficult to stay motivated’.

He had made the comments during an out-of-class conversation with another graduate student. They had been discussing the ‘religious leanings of philosophy professors.’

He pointed out that in some Muslim countries, he could be executed for being bisexual.

A few days after the conversation, he was called in for a meeting with Dr Eve Browning. She is the Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Classics at the University of Texas at San Antonio. MacDonald studied here at the time.

This event took place in September 2016 but Alfred MacDonald only went public with it this summer.

Dr Eve Browning said if his behavior continued, he would be referred to the student conduct board. She said they would recommend dismissal.  read more

21 Comments on San Antonio: Prof threatens to expel student for saying Islamic countries kill gays

  1. The correct answer is, “ok ma’am, I agree, I learned my lesson, muslims treat homos 1000% correctly and I will encourage that treatment for all homos, especially all homos here on campus”

  2. Alfred forget playing Powerball or Mega-Millions. You’ve been handed more than a Willy Wonka golden ticket. If the ACLU won’t come running to your aid go find yourself a solid lawyer because you struck the motherload.

    Deep pockets?- we are talking a State University: CHECK

    An actual grievance? Dude, your Bi, that is protected class AND yes Muzzie countries would murder you in a heartbeat. Ample proof all over the place; so much that not even Obama wielding the power of the POTUS could stop the flow of information. Translation: CHECK

    An actual amendment guaranteeing you cannot be silenced by the government? It just happend to be #1 on the Bill of Rights: Check.

    3 major checks means the U of T San Antonio is going to be writing you one big check and when the jury considers you pain and suffering Dr. Eve Browning will be signing her pay checks over to you for the rest of her freaking life.

    This is how we put an end to the thought police. We destroy them. Burn down their place of work and force them to sell their homes and shun them from polite society. This has been their play book and it is time we turn the tables on them when we can.

  3. For all practical intents and purposes, there is no such thing as a liberal arts education available in the US. Any classes you take associated with such programs are political indoctrination programs to one degree or another. They’re not teaching you how to think or solve problems. They’re teaching you what to think and to ignore real problems while being obsessed with fake problems.

  4. Tricky D, that is one funny ass irony there! Why not tongue kiss the suspect, just to be sure?

    ‘UNLIKE ME, I think you may be homosexual! Therefore, I insist on being allowed to perform a thorough, deep exploration of your rectum. This may take quite some time to determine if you are homosexual… UNLIKE ME, of course’.

  5. When are we going to stop spending thousands of dollars of our hard earned money
    sending our kids to these lunatic asylums to be indoctrinated by these fakking retards? (no disrespect to actual retards, who can’t help it).

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