California officially becomes sanctuary state- Jan 2018 – IOTW Report

California officially becomes sanctuary state- Jan 2018


California officially became a sanctuary state for illegal aliens on Thursday with the stroke of Gov. Jerry Brown’s pen.

Senate Bill 54 will go into effect in January 2018. Brown signed the bill entitled the “California Values Act” and released a signing statement. Brown explained what the bill does and does not do.

The bill prohibits local law enforcement from asking about immigration status in the course of routine interactions and prohibits them from complying with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests.

“The bill further directs our Attorney General to promulgate model policies for local and state health, education, labor and judiciary officials to follow when they deal with immigration matters,” wrote Brown.

“This bill does not prevent or prohibit Immigration and Customs Enforcement or the Department of Homeland Security from doing their own work in any way,” said Brown in the signing letter. more

32 Comments on California officially becomes sanctuary state- Jan 2018

  1. At some point, I hope the Trump administration starts hanging California Democrats by the neck until dead for treason. Don’t forget that bitch Kamila Harris.

  2. TO Bad Brad
    BEFORE “the Trump administration starts hanging California Democrats by the neck until dead for treason,” they need to shut off the Federal Funding spigot to $0. Immediately.

  3. Liberals like immigrants. Trump should find immigrants who are more than likely to vote
    republican. Put millions in California to vote out the liberals.

  4. Maybe local police wouldn’t have so many routine interactions without all the illegals. How many “domestic” dispute calls involving the same illegals does it take before it is no longer “routine”???

  5. Shut off the Federal spigot to California. If they want to fund their own demise, then so be it, but the rest of us hard-working, over-taxed-paying Americans should not have to be forced into participating in their insane perversion of the law!!

    Gee Wally, then they’ll sue the government!
    Yeah Beave, just goes to show ya what new heights these Communist parasites will take robbery to! Must be nice to have an entire country to suck on!
    Careful Wally, we all know they just can’t suck enough!

  6. Trump should do exactly what Obama did, only using large groups of eastern Europeans. Settle them in blue states with large democrat voting areas {cities}. Tit for tat.

  7. Most all dems have an activistic streak and mobilize to vote. They gravitate to government positions and plant themselves there forever working their way up in positions until they control the whole show. We need term limits from top to bottom. These people are like cancer cells.

  8. As I understand Antifa, they are just like WWII vets who much nazis and neo-confederates.

    Can’t get more confederate than seceding from our Sacred Union to protect your dominion over slave labor.

    Get to punching.

  9. I feel bad for the cops, who now will be breaking either CA or US law any time they have contact with an illegal. And I know their morale will be lower, and likely fewer people will want the job.

  10. Ha ha ha!
    Actually, it’s kinda funny watching fools commit sepuku.
    Once the rat-people have eaten all the Californians they’ll starve to death sitting around waiting for handouts. Then all the maggots who escaped into Colorado and Texas can be repatriated – by force, if necessary.

    America must – MUST – make it abundantly clear that WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES – will not be on the hook for paying for these imbecilities. The long-term effect of these (seeming) stupidities is to nationalize them – to make EVERY American a signatory to socialism, totalitarianism, and the subsequent decay and death of the Republic.

    At what point, have we had enough?
    Their (CA and IL) suicide will redound upon us – we will be left holding the bag.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Well….John Carpenter has a new movie to make….”Escape From California”….”The year is 2018 and the state of California has been walled off and turned into a maximum security prison….”

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