“She would regularly scream into the pillow” – IOTW Report

“She would regularly scream into the pillow”

CFP: Hillary Clinton refuses to accept reality and is desperately trying to cling to political relevance. She has enjoyed a lifetime of political privilege as a First Lady, a United States Senator, a Secretary of State and a presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. Sadly, she was awarded all of these prestigious positions because of her husband, not due to her own merit.

On her own, Hillary Clinton is a disastrous loser. In fact, she is the most famous two-time presidential loser in U.S. history who should have received a clear message from the American people. The voters of this country do not want her to be President of the United States.

In 2008, she lost the Democratic Party nomination to an unknown and unproven United States Senator. In 2016, as the infamous email disclosure proved, Clinton was the beneficiary of a corrupt Democratic Party nomination process. Despite having a Democratic National Committee giving her every advantage, and CNN giving her advance notice of debate questions, Hillary Clinton barely defeated an elderly socialist Senator for her party’s nomination. In the general election, she lost the presidency to a political novice, Donald Trump, who was facing incredible disadvantages.

Clearly, Hillary Clinton cannot move past her election loss and will not “go quietly into that good night.” She is a bitter loser, who is mad at the world and especially livid at the American people. As part of her media tour promoting her new book, “What Happened,” Hillary was recently interviewed for the Irish television program, “Late, Late Show.” Hillary claimed that the loss was “excruciating.” She admitted that she did not even prepare a concession speech and that the loss left her in a “state of shock.”  more

32 Comments on “She would regularly scream into the pillow”

  1. “She would regularly scream into the pillow”

    I suggest Bill hold the pillow over her face with much more pressure and for a longer period of time. Problem fixed, for Bill and the US.

  2. Alot of this stems from a Leftist media that thinks it benefits from pushing her.

    It’s as if the media suffers from a weird form of Tourette’s Syndrome, in which they repeatedly spew, out of the blue, “Hillary! Obama! Hillary! Obama!”

  3. Sure, I said I’d rather have Trump and that I wanted Hillary to lose. But I never wanted her to suffer mental anguish over the matter… haahaha yes I did. Suffer all the way to the nuthouse you crone, Pelosi will be joining you soon.

  4. ‘zactly why she was the Best First Wymin Candidate. Ever.

    I mean knowing how to lose is not that important, right? The idea of her having the nuke codes is the stuff of nightmares.

  5. Failure as a nominee, as a nasty first lady (Hillarycare), as a SOS (4 dead Anericans) and let’s not forget a failure as a wife and human being (Monica and bimbo eruptions)

  6. And here is the irony. Hellary is the one with the political drive and ambition, but never got anywhere. Bill is the opposite. Without Hellary’s drive, Bill would have been content to have been a trailer trash good ol’ boy womanizer, rising no higher than local city/county/state attorney. Yet he is the one that rose to the Presidency, and she didn’t.

  7. When are the names of the Macedonian Content Farmers going to be exposed? How much longer do we have to wait to get names and addresses of the Macedonians who saved the Free World from this miserable failure? I want to send all of them an invitation to visit President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton in her room at the mental hospital where she’s destined to live out her days in a heavily sedated state of deplorable delusion.

  8. I think she’s hoping that if she just keeps on clicking the teeth of those Ruby Red Dentures together long enough, she’ll wake up from this nightmare and find herself safe and sound in the Master Bedroom of her White House.

  9. @Mule, I know, she is so bitter too.
    She is as upset as the Prince of Thieves over how long the queen mum has hung on.
    The only person in the family worth anything is Harry, his daddy was an Irishman.
    Askew reference to Chelsea here.

  10. @willysgoatgruff October 8, 2017 at 12:14 pm – “If Hillary wanted to buy a gun, could she pass a background check?…”

    That’s really a good question. She doesn’t have a driver’s license. Did she have to turn in her government ID? Does she even legally exist? LOL

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