Gun-Free Zones – IOTW Report

Gun-Free Zones

Baltimore Sun: Baltimore police said five people were shot in four separate incidents from late Friday through Saturday.

Officers were called to a home in the 300 block of S. Monroe St. late Friday night for a report of a shooting, police said. They found a 27-year-old man with gunshot wounds to his body. The victim was transported to an area hospital.

Police believe the victim was shot in the 1700 block of Cole St. by an unknown suspect.

Officers learned about the second incident when they went to a hospital shortly before midnight after being told about a shooting victim, police said. They found a 22-year-old man who had been shot in the hand. He told them he was in the 1200 block of N. Bond St. in East Baltimore’s Oliver neighborhood when someone tried to rob him.  read more



DNA info Chicago:

Chicago Shootings Kill 3, Wound 9 Since Friday Morning.

CHICAGO — Shootings across the city since Friday morning killed three people and wounded nine, police said.

Three men were killed Friday afternoon: an 18-year-old man in Chatham, a 22-year-old man in Albany Park and a 25-year-old man in Garfield Park.

• In Fuller Park at 1 a.m. Saturday, two men were shot outside a liquor store in the 200 block of West Root Street.

As they were going inside, someone got out of an approaching vehicle and argued with them. When they were leaving the store, that person shot them.  MORE


18 Comments on Gun-Free Zones

  1. Where’s the prayer vigils? Where’s the outrage? Where’s Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and all the BLM protesters and rioters? Oh wait – you say it was only Black people shooting other Black people? Well, that’s just business as usual. Never mind…

  2. I checked the Baltimore locations. They are scattered all over the city. If travelling near Baltimore, go around the city using the Beltway. If you must take 95 through the city don’t exit until you are outside of the Beltway loop.

  3. Wow, after watching these Sunday News show, and watching Chris Cox throw gun owners under the bus because he stupid, I want to make sure everyone understands the danger of re writing ATF regulation for Bump Fire Stocks. A fully Auto weapon is one where you hold the trigger down and the gun continues to fire automatically. A semi auto gun fires every time you pull the trigger. A bump fire stock depresses the trigger every time the gun discharges. That’s how they got it passed the ATF in the first place. If they re write those regulations they will be throwing semi auto weapons in a new category. Not good.

  4. MJA,

    The President of Gun Owners of Cali lives down the road from the shop. He stops in occasionally. I think he like talking to the common folk manufacturers from time to time. He’s fighting a lost cause here but the larger organization is gaining member ship at a huge rate. Mean while we should continue to support the NRA. If nothing else they are a delaying tactic.

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