California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic – IOTW Report

California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic

Breitbart CA: The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento.


California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months.

Although local and state authorities have tried to underplay the risks and severity of the outbreak, the most recent annual totals for cases of hepatitis A in the United States was 1,390 in 2015, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). California only reported 179 cases during the same year.

The highly-contagious hepatitis A outbreak may have taken root because of the City of San Diego’s efforts in the run-up to Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game held at Petco Park in July 2016 to push the homeless, and the rampant drug and prostitution trade among them, out of the downtown tourist venues. Those effort included locking public bathrooms and essentially relocating the homeless to the congested tent city encampments that stretch for blocks east of downtown near freeway onramps.

Another explanation may be the city’s decision to ban plastic bags, which deprived homeless people of an alternative means of disposing of human waste when bathrooms were not available.  read more

24 Comments on California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic

  1. The Left has been “creative” enough in “discovering new “”Rights” in our Constitution…let’s “discover” a Right to EJECT California out of the USA!

  2. The cause “… may be the city’s decision to ban plastic bags …” but not the fucking rat-people shitting?

    WTF is wrong with us?

    Get rid of the rat-people – problem solved – actually, MANY problems solved.
    Invite rats into your house, they’ll eat your substance, shit wherever they get the urge, piss wherever they want, and, eventually, kill your children.
    So, why invite them?

    I don’t understand the tendency to civilizational suicide.
    It is contrary to both logic and reason.

    Think of it this way, you dumb fucking Californian socialists: What becomes of your precious rat-people when civilization fails? Who feeds them, then? Who will they prey upon?

    Sheesh! Wake the fuck up!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. maybe this disease will start the whole “zombie apocalypse” thingy. Zombies will eat through California first as the citizenry has largely been disarmed, with the exception of police and gangbangers. As many victims of the zombies may well prove to be unpalatable, such as numerous politicians and entertainment people, they will soon have to resort to Mexican food, thus eliminating the illegal immigrant problem. What’s the down side?
    OK, so I’m a tad weird today.

  4. Great. Many of those walking petri dishes are relocating to Salt Lake City, often with tickets purchased by San Diego. Salt Lake is also cracking down on the visible homeless, driving them out of the city and into neighboring cities — my city, my neighborhood.

  5. moochoman October 9, 2017 at 10:17 am

    maybe this disease will start the whole “zombie apocalypse” thingy. Zombies will eat through California first as the citizenry has largely been disarmed, with the exception of police and gangbangers. As many victims of the zombies may well prove to be unpalatable, such as numerous politicians and entertainment people, they will soon have to resort to Mexican food, thus eliminating the illegal immigrant problem. What’s the down side?
    OK, so I’m a tad weird today.

    Impossible to disarm Californians, Feinstein who carries tried that and failed. Everyone I know here is armed. As for the illegals, ICE is hiring more agents and going into the hood and rounding them up. going to work sites. No more Mexicans hanging out at Home Depot. The landscape business is drying up here.

    As for real estate values going down, nope, going up. Illegals can’t afford to live here in California so they’re going else where. A one way bus ticket out of here. Coming to your town and State soon. Be careful what you wish on others.

  6. Whoever were the clowns in city government that they had solved the problem by putting homeless people intents on the sidewalk without running water or sanitation. It looks like a paved Tijuana dump. whoever signed onto this “solution” should be required to pay for the remedial action required. somebody should sue these morons individually as well as the city.

  7. Good one Toby Miles!

    Everybody – get vaccinated. Grab your family and go get immunized.

    cfm990 – My guess is that most of the working infected are in the service industry, and that is based on the fact that the fecal – oral route is so easy if someone is handling your food and drink

  8. I had Hep A in 1985 and let me tell you it is no joke.
    There will be no zombies as when sick one can barely move much less do anything else. It would be a horrible way to die. Also, there is no vaccination for Hepatitis. The cause appears to be rampant illiterate homeless. In this country the mentally deficient homeless used to be institutionalized. When they let them out, this is the natural result. It is a horrible way to treat people, but thanks can be given to the ACLU and other liberals who caused the problem 30-40 years ago. Good job lefties!

  9. DrRiff- There are vaccines for Hep A and B, but not C or D. Type D is a variation of B, and vaccination for B can help prevent D.
    And it is basically caused by eating what you shouldn’t- poop. Wash your hands! You could get hepatitis anywhere, you don’t need to be without a home to get it. Pushing a shopping cart in Walmart could do it, if you’re a finger sucker.

  10. Heeey CAli, since you will not cooperate with Federal Immigration authorities, does that mean we don’t have to spend money to help you? Heck, let’s just say that you do not need any medicare/medicaid reimbursements as well. Oh hell, let’s just cut off your Social Security payments to your state residents and then cut off the Colorado river as well.

  11. Maybe the housing prices will crash since who would purchase a home in feces infected hepatitis A CA.
    The state is already overpopulated and polluted why
    the smog testing when feces are infecting this once
    beautiful state.

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