Top Obama Officials Spent Nearly $1 Million On Non-Commercial Flights – IOTW Report

Top Obama Officials Spent Nearly $1 Million On Non-Commercial Flights

DC: Former heads of the Department of the Interior spent $971,643 chartering non-commercial flights over a six year period, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar spent $586,196 on non-commercial flights over three years. Salazar took 48 such trips from 2010 to 2012, including flights on Interior Department-owned and chartered aircraft, according to travel records.

EXCLUSIVE: Top Obama Officials Spent Nearly $1 Million On Non-Commercial Flights

8 Comments on Top Obama Officials Spent Nearly $1 Million On Non-Commercial Flights

  1. For eight years we bitched and complained how Barky and the Wookmeister were jaunting all over the world on our dime. Are we supposed to be surprised by the revelation his interior department spent one million over six years?

    According to Politico Tom Price spent over $1 million in less than one year. This kind of frivolous spending is what I expected Trump to stop!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! QUIT ACTING LIKE LIBERALS!!!

  2. When a smelly democrat does it, it’s OK !
    How about the FACT that
    flew her children and grandchildren
    all over the world for various vacations
    on otherwise unoccupied
    Air Force Jets ?
    How much did that cost the taxpayers ?

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