Gay British Hairdresser Accused Of Deliberately Spreading HIV/AIDS And Taunting Victims – IOTW Report

Gay British Hairdresser Accused Of Deliberately Spreading HIV/AIDS And Taunting Victims

DC: A gay British hairdresser is accused of deliberately infecting his sexual partners after he sent them a text saying “I have HIV LOL.”

One of his former lovers testified before the Lewes Crown Court in Britain last week that Daryll Rowe, a hairdresser, sent him a text indicating that he was infected with the deadly illness. The 26-year-old is accused of demanding unprotected sex from at least ten male partners, claiming to be free of the virus. He is also accused of tampering with the condom when they insisted he used one.

The practice, which is referred to as “stealthing,” is up for consideration as a form of rape in the United States by lawmakers.  Victims of the sexual assault “trend” have been speaking out about their experiences throughout multiple publications this year.  more here


SNIP: Yet, in California, knowingly infecting someone with HIV is  just a misdemeanor.

There’s also a good read on this at Patriot Retort-  California’s HIV Russian Roulette.

13 Comments on Gay British Hairdresser Accused Of Deliberately Spreading HIV/AIDS And Taunting Victims

  1. Isn’t California cancelling the law that makes purposefully infecting someone with your HIV a crime?

    Now you can do as this hairdresser did without fear of jail.

    Think of all the old scores one could settle.

  2. And they try to convince us that homosexuality is all about “love” and homos should be accepted because they are just like normal people. Nope. They are actually perverts that are messed up in the head.

  3. Jerry Brown is trying to expand the gay population, so we can demand more tax money for treatment, therapy sessions, feel-good groups, hospitalization, there has to be a cause to spend more tax money than he already is.

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