Hollywood is America’s Conscience or Something – IOTW Report

Hollywood is America’s Conscience or Something

Kurt Schlichter:

I am one conservative who is thankful for Hollywood’s collective inability not to say stupid things because I’m a columnist and these idiots are the gift that keeps on giving. Tired of writing about failing, fussy Fredocons and goose-stepping libs with a beef against the Bill of Rights? Well, like clockwork some genius will take to Twitter leveraging his GED and his supporting role as the sassy sidekick in a CW teen vampire dramedy to offer his super-insightful political/cultural insights to us normals and … BOOM! I have the launching pad for another sensational column.

And this week has been exceptional, truly exceptional, as Hollywood has attained peak fail. Much like how Washington, D.C., is Hollywood for ugly people, with notable exceptions, Hollywood is Washington, D.C., for stupid people.

And wow, have these Tinseltown twerps ever been stupid.

Let’s start with Jimmy Kimmel, the Johnny Carson of the semi-employable cargo shorts and Corona set. A few weeks ago he was weighing in on health care policy because, apparently, he’s for health care. Exactly what policy he’s for is unclear, because when Jimmy does his thing in front of the fin-slapping trained seal caucus in the studio bleachers, he’s not actually being about policy. He’s being about posing. He’s in favor of health care, damn it, and he doesn’t care whose toes he steps on when he speaks truth to power to all those awful people who are, well, against health care or something. Because conservatives hate health care, just like they hate science.

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14 Comments on Hollywood is America’s Conscience or Something

  1. This isn’t just Weinstein. It’s every director and producer.

    Start a website for people to anonymously post their accusations. I’d wager a supermajority of them are guilty of the same.

    It’s how their business is done.

    The rapists and child molesters wag their fingers and shout “for shame” at the outdated values of flyover country. They are all guilty.

  2. What anonymous said. These women kept their mouths shut for years because they were raking in millions and in the meantime he was raping lowly interns left and right. Wow. What heroes you all are.

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