NYT Exec Editor Calls O’Keefe “despicable,” Says Veritas Videos, “damaging” – IOTW Report

NYT Exec Editor Calls O’Keefe “despicable,” Says Veritas Videos, “damaging”


In this video, O’Keefe responds to Baquet’s hypocrisy. O’Keefe also explains why the recent NYT Social Media Policy changes just aren’t enough.

17 Comments on NYT Exec Editor Calls O’Keefe “despicable,” Says Veritas Videos, “damaging”

  1. James O’Keefe puts just about every other investigative reporter to shame. It’s incredible to me how gutsy he and his whole crew is. Didn’t Laura Loomer work with them for a while?

    So MJA, it’s getting late on Friday night, is there a blues contribution?

  2. Isn’t that the POINT of journalism? To make powerful people SQUIRM?

    Gads, you would think that the NYT doesn’t want anyone to know what it really THINKS.

    Gee, golly, maybe someone should do an expose or something…ooooops

  3. I don’t blame you, but if I’m going to hear your post you’ve got to get going. My wife thinks she is going to get some work out of me tomorrow so I’m about to hit it.

  4. Watched both installments of Veritas’ New Duranty Times work. Then went to their WEB page and sent them a $35 contribution. I’m retired now and scaling back my donations, but O’Keefe’s crew deserves it for their outstanding work. Hope they totally CRIPPLE the NY Slimes.

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