‘Help Us’ Pleads Small French Town Dubbed ‘The New Calais’ After Migrant Influx – IOTW Report

‘Help Us’ Pleads Small French Town Dubbed ‘The New Calais’ After Migrant Influx

Breitbart London: The small French town of Ouistreham in Normandy is struggling to cope with an influx of illegal migrants looking for a new launch pad to Britain, now that security has tightened around Calais.

The town’s security chief told the Daily Mail that most of the migrants are Africans from Eritrea and Sudan, but there are others who hail from countries such as Albania, Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan — and the situation is deteriorating.

“It is getting worse,” he told the newspaper. “We need more help. We need more police officers, but this is a problem that has to be resolved at a higher level.

“There is a big number of migrants who are waiting to go to the UK. If some have success getting on the ferries then more will come here.

“We want to make sure that the town doesn’t become the new Sangatte. The town is worried. We are powerless.”

16 Comments on ‘Help Us’ Pleads Small French Town Dubbed ‘The New Calais’ After Migrant Influx

  1. Can it be said any more plainy; FUCK THE FRENCH.

    I hope that old man on the bike is beaten and robbed, he deserves it for decades of voting Left while enjoying his French Privelege.

    I hope they are tortured in this tiny safe space village. They are the like the coverup women to Harvey Weinsteins rapes… now they complain and ask for help?? Nah.

    Go to hell French scum. Enjoy the muslime filth you are trying to shame America into taking in. You dirty rats want help to send them to Britain asap so they can suffer instead of you. GFY.

    The French scum have run out of favors being rescued from their own selves. Now enjoy what you so well deserve and asked for.

  2. How many times to we have to rescue the Europeans?

    Well, the reality is that if we nothing, it comes here. However, the French and others need to have a real-time wake up call – they are going to have to be a part of their own rescue and Americans are not going to be the only ones dying for their sorry asses. Plus: break out your check book, France, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

  3. You tore down the dam and all the levies and now you want flood relief?
    Good Luck Frenchy.
    Consequences to poor decisions when you allow the EU to make your national decisions.
    I guess you are no longer a nation….you are a member state of the EU.

  4. Here’s what I glean from this travesty.

    If the French are such pussy-whipped pushovers for acommodating the hordes of Filthy Mohammedan Savages with FREE SHIT like apartments, education, food, etc, then why the fuck are so many Satan worshipping Filthy Mohammedan Savages desperately trying to get to the UK?

    The only conclusion a rational human being can draw is that the UK is offering EVEN MORE FREE SHIT to these Filthy Mohammedan Savages than even the Godless Christian-hating European Union is offering them.

  5. If this shit is left unchecked, within my lifetime I can foresee a mass exodus of REAL Europeans from the EU to the point that the fascist lawmakers in the EU Parliament will enact ever more restrictive laws banning emigration by their cash-cow Europeans who have actual skills and knowledge.

    Engineers, doctors, welders, architects, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, carpenters, nurses….all of them will be forced to stay and prop up a racist, anti-Christian, far-left regime.

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