AP: Bannon Enlists Troops for War Against GOP Establishment – IOTW Report

AP: Bannon Enlists Troops for War Against GOP Establishment

JACKSON, Mississippi (AP) — President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has declared war on the Republican establishment, and now he’s amassing his troops. They include a convicted felon, a perennial candidate linked to an environmental conspiracy theory, and a Southern lawmaker known for provocative ethnic and racial comments.

Bannon is promoting challengers to GOP incumbents and the party’s preferred candidates in next year’s midterm elections. It’s an insurgency that could imperil Republican majorities in the House and Senate.

The emerging Bannon class of rabble-rousers share limited ideological ties but have a common intent to upend Washington and knock out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., standard-bearer of the establishment.

It’s a crop of candidates that unnerves a GOP that lost seats — and a shot at the Senate majority — in 2010 and 2012 with political novices and controversial nominees and fears a stinging repeat in 2018.

“The main thing that binds them together is a rejection of the Republican Party establishment, a rejection of the political elites, the financial elites and the media elites,” said Andy Surabian, a former Bannon aide and senior adviser to the pro-Trump PAC Great America Alliance.

Bannon helped elevate twice-suspended Judge Roy Moore, who won an Alabama runoff over McConnell’s pick, Sen. Luther Strange. Moore was removed from office for refusing to remove a Ten Commandments monument from Alabama’s judicial building and then suspended for insisting probate judges refuse same-sex couples marriage licenses. He faces Democrat Doug Jones in a December election where polls show a single-digit lead for the Republican, a remarkable development in Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ heavily GOP state.

“We don’t have leadership. We have followership,” Moore said Friday at the Values Voter Summit where he argued for scrapping the health care law with no replacement.  more here

SNIP: It’s an AP article so try not to eye-roll too hard.

12 Comments on AP: Bannon Enlists Troops for War Against GOP Establishment

  1. “Leader” is the English word for “Fuhrer.”
    This is a Representative Republic. We need no “Leaders.”
    We demand “Representatives” to represent US – not to represent the big-money maggots, the Corporations, the Military/Industrial Complex, the Union maggots, the Lobbyists, the Thieves, the Liars, Academia, National and Inter-National Socialism, Globaloney-ism, Enviro-Nazism, Feminazism, or anyone else.

    By limiting the number of Legislators, we have expanded the electoral franchise to the point of being meaningless. We should return to the numbers specified in the Constitution, not the limiting (435) Representatives by the 1911 Act of Apportionment. The “progressives” (Wilsonian Socialists) of the time understood that the greater the franchise, the less each vote is worth. Congress can do away with this abortion without Amending the Constitution.

    Yeah, I know, “like tears in the rain.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Bannon’s Marauders:
    They “include a convicted felon, a perennial…
    linked to an environmental conspiracy theory, and a Southern lawmaker known for provocative ethnic and racial comments.”
    Sounds like a great idea; a definite improvement. GO BANNON, GO!

  3. The minute I saw the (AP) I knew the article was fake. Does AP stand for All Progressive or All Propaganda news service?

    I will help Bannon anyway I can.

  4. yet another example of the far-Left “Mainstream Media” smearing real, normal mainstream candidates in a desperate attempt to advance the Vast Leftwing Conspiracy

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