Hepatitis Outbreak Forces California to Declare State of Emergency – IOTW Report

Hepatitis Outbreak Forces California to Declare State of Emergency

Although Hepatitis A is commonly transmitted by eating contaminated food, California’s outbreak is spreading from person to person, predominantly among the homeless community and drug users.

In spite of half a dozen measures aimed at curtailing the spread of the deadly virus — which is highly contagious and survives for long periods of time — the city and county of San Diego have been unable to stop its spread.

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30 Comments on Hepatitis Outbreak Forces California to Declare State of Emergency

  1. “U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) called on the federal government to provide emergency funding to halt the spread of hepatitis A. He reportedly said the outbreak has brought statewide totals to three times the number of reported cases in 2015.”

    I hope that before our money is thrown at this problem, the elected and appointed officials in CA have to show what they are doing to PREVENT further outbreaks. I have a sinking feeling that by “distribute” they mean the vaccine will go to some vague “street outreach” and “homeless shelters” instead of specifically targeting the population that is spreading this; people who such homeless advocates will protect from having a vaccine against their (ignorant) will. Someone, somewhere will accuse the feds of using this as a means to identify illegals in order to deport them. And they should be deported.

  2. There is a state of emergency in California.
    The spread of Hep A is just one manifestation of it.
    Basic public health isn’t taught in CA schools and the public doesn’t practice it, obviously. There should be a total and uproarious response to this. But there isn’t. And knowingly spreading HIV has been legally downgraded from being a felony to being a misdemeanor. The equivalent of a parking ticket. No big deal. Someone will suffer for the rest of their lives and a pharmaceutical company will benefit from that as they do. Have fun with it CA, just stay away from me and mine.
    God helps those who help themselves, and it don’t look too good for california.

  3. The Federal Government should decline and tell California to use money that the Libs have earmarked for their little pet projects. Like the train to no where or the Delta Tunnels. Who’s California going to turn to after it’s secession? Besides, it’s San Diego, ask Mexico for the money.

  4. Hepatitis A is highly contagious

    The virus survives for long periods of time

    The virus is particularly dangerous, and can be fatal

    The outbreak is so severe that it forces California to declare a state of emergency

    This is the most serious outbreak in twenty years

    In spite of half a dozen measures aimed at curtailing the deadly virus, the city and county of San Diego have been unable to stop its spread


    When do we, the rest of the benighted world, get a California travel quarantine? I know the Ebola quarantines were just racist. But Mr. Brown seems to be white enough.

  5. Someone should print up the warnings in Spanish, making sure to add, “We don’t have the money to treat you and you are most likely going to die if you get this…”.
    Self deportation.

  6. 700,000+ illegal immigrants enter the US annually (not counting those already here).
    Hepatitis is just one of the diseases carried by illegal immigrants.

    Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, polio, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox, severe acute respiratory syndromes, scabies, chicken pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections.

    Illegal immigrants crossing into the United States bring all of these threats. Concerns have been specifically raised about children, due to the high risk of infections spreading in public schools and spreading the diseases through their family members and communities.

    Are we going to act like California and wait until other diseases take the headlines to correct the problem (illegal immigration)and not the symptom (diseases)?

  7. The anglo’s will just have to get used to their new neighbors. Body and head lice, TB, Hepatitis, and a host of other 3rd world diseases will continue to be part of the “new California life. If there was any justice, Governor Jerry’s liver will explode from a virulent strain of hep A.

  8. This whole Hepatitus out break is brought to you by the Mayor and the city council of San Diego, who do not have one brain among them. This is how they “solve” a problem by kicking the can down the road.

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