Bergdahl Pleads Guilty To Charges Of Desertion, Misbehavior – IOTW Report

Bergdahl Pleads Guilty To Charges Of Desertion, Misbehavior

Daily Caller: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl formally pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy Monday.

Bergdahl, a 31-year-old soldier who left his post in Afghanistan in 2009 only to be captured by the Taliban and held for five years until 2014, now faces a sentence of up to life in prison, The New York Times reports.

While the initial charge of desertion carries a sentence of up to five years, the charge of misbehavior before the enemy is much more serious and could result in Bergdahl heading to prison for life. Misbehavior before the enemy has rarely been used since World War II.  read more

25 Comments on Bergdahl Pleads Guilty To Charges Of Desertion, Misbehavior

  1. Gutless traitor.
    Watch as a minimum to moderate sentence is brought down and the main stream talking heads will agree with it.

    He has more than earned the maximum penalty under the law.
    He dishonored himself and betrayed his Country, Army and all Veterans.

    He will remain a disgusting POS not worthy of the lives lost looking for his sorry ass.

  2. He should have been forced to go through a court martial with the officers that were assigned to the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th ID and Arizona Army NG who lost soldiers looking for that POS.

  3. He should have faced a count of murder for every soldier lost trying to “find” him. The Army’s “pink panty brigade” legal system will let him off with a slap on his slimy wrists.

  4. There is a silver lining here. If that woman who left others to die in Benghazi had become president, Bergdahl would not have been prosecuted at all. So there is some justice if not the total justice we’d all like to see.

    It’s a big black eye for that guy who feted Bergdahl and his parents in the WH rose garden, too. I know it’s not much, but it’s another brick in walling him off from the great presidency he keeps talking saying he had.

  5. Inside or outside of Leavenworth, Bergdahl needs to watch his back. There’s LOTS of soldiers out there who had friends hurt or killed looking for his worthless ass. Or, they want to do some “wall to wall counseling” just on principle.
    He’s about as worthless as Bradley Manning.

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