VICE Journalist Commits Career Suicide Following Sexual Harassment And Assault Allegations – IOTW Report

VICE Journalist Commits Career Suicide Following Sexual Harassment And Assault Allegations


VICE journalist Sam Kriss is a known quantity on social media due to his outspoken support of feminism, and often violent views against capitalism. A woman alleged the UK-based white knight sexually assaulted her Tuesday in a lengthy Facebook post.
Kriss did not deny the charges and has admitted wrongdoing.  read more  @ Daily Caller.

11 Comments on VICE Journalist Commits Career Suicide Following Sexual Harassment And Assault Allegations

  1. He even looks the type. Spoiled rich kid entitled to whatever he fancies.

    You see, buddy, the way the game is played is you’re supposed to comport yourself in a manner that makes the woman want to be with you.

  2. Alinsky Rule #4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.“

    What had been to some degree normal ‘horny guy trying to date woman’ has been turned into “sexual harassment” by the Left.

    Now the Leftist men get to live with the consequences, because we too can follow Alinsky’s evil rules.

  3. Really? After less than an hour of being pawed and slobbered on, I would have called a cab and gotten the hell away from him, not stuck it out for hours of disgusting groping. And I say this as someone who, even when young and fairly inexperienced, refused to be treated like shit by some jerk. That’s what your mad money is for, honey.

  4. Supposedly this was on their THIRD DATE. And they were (he says) already having sex. So this isn’t a first meeting, and he’s already pretty “familiar” with her body. Hookup culture.

    Two despicable Snowflakes. And these accusations are her opportunistic bid at advancing her career (by attacking his).

    I do enjoy the hypocrisy of these female Snowflakes who want to be sexually empowered when it suits them, then expect to be able to transform into “Victorian Maiden Subjected To Untoward Advances By Brutish Cad”. As they take to their fainting couch, and Tweet their details to the world.

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