Accused Cop-Killer Gets S//t-Faced In Courtroom – IOTW Report

Accused Cop-Killer Gets S//t-Faced In Courtroom

Accused cop-killer Travis Boys halts jury selection by rubbing feces on his face.

Travis Boys, charged with killing a New Orleans police officer in 2015, halted jury selection in his first-degree murder trial late Wednesday afternoon (Oct. 18) when he rubbed feces on his face, head and mouth in the courtroom, according to two law enforcement sources.

Boys, 35, has pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity to the charge that he murdered NOPD Officer Daryle Holloway during an escape from custody on June 20, 2015. A jury was being impaneled Wednesday for a trial expected to open testimony next Monday.

Orleans Parish prosecutor Taylor Anthony was at the podium questioning the day’s second panel of prospective jurors when the incident occurred around 4 p.m.

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